RAL 1-99

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Reports and Analysis Letter 1-99

Issue Date:
Program Year:
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Expiration Date:

Extension of OMB Approvals: ETA 9000, Internal Fraud Activities; ETA 9016, Alien Claims Activity Report; the Benefits, Timeliness, and Quality (BTQ) Review System; ETA-5130, Benefits Appeals Report; and ETA 586, Interstate Arrangement for Combining Emplo


To inform States that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has approved the extension of the ETA 9000, Internal Fraud Activities; ETA 9016, Alien Claims Activity Report; the Benefits, Timeliness, and Quality (BTQ) Review System; ETA-5130, Benefit App


All State Employment Security Agencies


David Henson Director Office of Regional Management


Inquiries should be directed to: Harry Minor at 202- 219-5211 x108 for the ETA 9000, Internal Fraud Activities (OMB #1205-0187), Leslie Thompson at 202- 219-5215 x131 for the Benefits, Timeliness, and Quality (BTQ) Review System (OMB #1205-0359), Bob Whit

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