1. Purpose. To provide States with their allocation for TAA funds under the continuing resolution for FY 2004.
2. References. The Trade Act of 1974 (Pub. L. 93-619, as amended), the Trade Act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-210); General Administration Letter 4-89; General Administration Letter 7-98; and Training and Employment Guidance Letter 6-03.
3. Background. In the absence of FY 2004 appropriations for the Department of Labor (DOL), the Congress has passed and the President has signed a continuing resolution to operate DOL programs, including TAA, through October 31, 2003.
4. State Allocations Under the Continuing Resolution. DOL has recently instituted formula based planning estimates for TAA funding, as discussed in TEGL 6-03. The attached table provides each state's allocation for TAA training and administration under the continuing resolution. The amounts represent a proportionate share for each state of the total funds available under the continuing resolutions, including $18,478,261 for training and $2,771,739 for administration.
5. Action Required. States should ensure that appropriate state staff are informed of the availability of these funds.
6. Inquiries. States should direct all inquires to the appropriate ETA Regional Office.
- FY 2004 State TAA Allocations for Training and Administration through October 31, 2003 under the Continuing Resolution.
| Continuing |