1. Purpose. To provide guidance for the preparation and submission of the Agricultural Services Submissions for Program Year (PY) 2003.
2. References. The Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA); 20 CFR 652.211, 652.212, 652.213, 653.107, 653.112, and 661.230.
3. Background. The WIA requires that basic labor exchange services be provided through the One-Stop delivery system. This requirement will not change. However, the FY 2004 budget request and the Department's current reauthorization proposals envision certain changes that will affect service delivery to Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers and Agricultural Employers. In anticipation of these potential changes and in line with the WIA Title I final regulations at 20 CFR part 653, the WIA/W-P Act Planning Guidance, the Unified Planning Guidance, and applicable WIA and Wagner-Peyser Act regulations, the attachment provides the guidelines for the PY 2003 Agricultural Services Submission.
4. Agricultural Services Submission. State planning for Wagner-Peyser Act Agricultural Services is an annual requirement. Accordingly, each state must provide the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) with an Agricultural Services Submission. The Agricultural Services Submission should be an integral component of a State's Strategic WIA Title I Five-Year Plan, and its development should be coordinated with the development of the Five-Year Plan. The Plan required in this TEGL was approved by OMB according to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 under OMB approval No. 1205-0398 and expires on May 31, 2004.
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5. PY 2003 Submission. States must provide their PY 2003 Agricultural Services Submission within 60 days of this issuance, preferably in an electronic format. It should be submitted to the appropriate Regional Administrator. A copy should also go to the National Monitor Advocate, Erik Lang (lang.erik@dol.gov).
6. Inquiries. Requests for technical assistance or other inquiries should be directed to the appropriate regional office.
7. Attachments.