Workers’ Compensation and the Opioid Epidemic: Analysis and Research Design Options

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Release Date: January 15, 2018

Workers’ Compensation and the Opioid Epidemic: Analysis and Research Design Options

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About the Study

This study includes a systematic review of existing evidence on the intersection of the opioid epidemic and workers’ compensation programs administered by public and private payers. The study will analyze existing evidence and identify innovative interventions and initiatives that may be relevant to the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act (FECA) client/customer population, and will develop research and evaluation design options for generating new evidence in the field.

The first report from this study, Workers’ Compensation and the Opioid Epidemic: State of the Field in Opioid Prescription Management highlights the most promising policies, strategies, and practices for opioid prescription management between 2014 and 2019. The environmental scan covered approaches applied in workers’ compensation programs and other health care settings, such as health insurance programs and health care systems. The supplemental resource provides detailed information on each of the reviewed studies with sort-and-filter capabilities.

This study is associated with Factors Associated with Opioid Use Among U.S. Workers.

  • What are existing policies, strategies and interventions implemented among the 50 state workers’ compensation programs to address prescription opioid misuse and overuse? What are the promising approaches, issues and challenges associated with implementation?
  • What are strategic or programmatic interventions that may be relevant to the FECA population? Why are they promising?
  • What are opportunities for generating new evidence on workers’ compensation programs and the prescription opioid crisis?

Project Duration: 29 Months

Contract End Date: March 2021

Contractor: Mathematica Policy Research with University of Connecticut Health Center and Summit Consulting

For More Information:

The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) sponsors independent evaluations and research, primarily conducted by external, third-party contractors in accordance with the Department of Labor Evaluation Policy and CEO’s research development process.