Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program Impact Evaluation

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Release Date: January 15, 2017

Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program Impact Evaluation

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About the Study

In 2017, the Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) partnered with the Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) and commissioned contractor Mathematica and its subcontractors, the Urban Institute and Social Policy Research Associates, to conduct the Homeless Veterans’ Reintegration Program (HVRP) Evaluation.

The evaluation includes a quasi-experimental impact study using administrative data and a complementary implementation study. The implementation study aimed to provide context to help interpret the findings of the HVRP impact study, which is using a matched comparison group design to compare key employment-related outcomes for HVRP participants with the outcomes of similar veterans experiencing homelessness who did not participate in HVRP. The impact study analyses are ongoing, and completion is expected in 2024.

HVRP, which is administered by the Department of Labor’s VETS, is the only federal program that focuses exclusively on providing employment services to veterans experiencing homelessness. VETS administers HVRP through competitive grants to state, local, and tribal governments; local Workforce Development Boards; private for-profit and nonprofit organizations; and community organizations to provide employment services and develop effective service systems. In July 2020, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced PY 2020 awards totaling $53 million for 157 grantees; this included 77 grantees in the first year of a possible three-year grant and 80 grantees in their second or third grant year.

This DOL-funded study was a result of the annual process to determine the Department’s research priorities for the upcoming year. It contributes to the labor evidence base to inform Employment and Training programs and policies and addresses Departmental strategic goals and priorities.

  • What are the impacts of HVRP on homeless Veterans’ employment and earnings? Do HVRP employment-related outcomes vary based on characteristics of those served, the programs or grantees, or of the community in which the program operates?
  • What are the types and combinations of programs, approaches, or services provided under the HVRP grant program?
  • How are the programs implemented? What factors or conditions influence implementation (i.e., partnerships, strategies, participants, infrastructure, data management, technical assistance)? What challenges arise in implementation, and how were those challenges overcome? What implementation practices appear promising or important to the success for program?
  • How are systems and partnerships built and maintained? What factors influence the development and maintenance of the systems and partnerships?

Project Duration: 84 Months

Contract End Date: July 2025

Contractor: Mathematica Policy Research, with Urban Institute and Social Policy Research Associates

For More Information: ChiefEvaluationOffice@dol.gov

Find more research in DOL's Clearinghouse for Labor Evaluation and Research (CLEAR) and the CLEAR Veterans Topic Area page.

The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) sponsors independent evaluations and research, primarily conducted by external, third-party contractors in accordance with the Department of Labor Evaluation Policy and CEO’s research development process.