Administrative Data Research and Analysis (ADRA) - NF

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Release Date: January 15, 2015

Administrative Data Research and Analysis (ADRA) - NF

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About The Portfolio

The Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) works with other Department of Labor (DOL) agencies to conduct Administrative Data Research and Analysis (ADRA) studies. The various studies aim to examine administrative data sets from agencies within DOL and other federal agencies to provide timely responses to changing strategic agency priorities. Completed studies are listed below. New and ongoing studies will occur regularly.

The ADRA studies contribute to the labor evidence base to inform data, methods, and tools and addresses Department strategic goals and priorities.

This portfolio includes the studies below. Select a study for more information.

  • Explorations in Data Innovations: Can Machine Learning Support Data Catalog Development?

  • Bridging the Gap for New Americans

  • Building an Equitable Construction Workforce


  • Considerations Regarding Future Research on Use of Fees in Employment and Training Administration Programs

  • Black Lung Incidence Study

  • Analysis of FY2013 Policy Change on Disability Management under the Federal Employees’ Compensation Program


  • Form 5500 Schedule A Data Analysis: Form Years 2012–2016

  • Form 5500 Filing Patterns Analysis

  • National Job Corps Study: 20-Year Follow-Up Study Using Tax Data


  • An Analysis of Benefit Plan Auditors

  • Return-to-work Outcomes for Federal Employees in the Office of Workers’ Compensation Disability Management Program

  • Comparing Job Training Impact Estimates using Survey and Administrative Data


  • Data on Earnings: A Review of Resources For Research

  • Child Labor Research - Resources for Quantitative Surveys

  • Evaluation of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Site-Specific Targeting Program


  • Comparisons of Data Sources on Earnings

  • Federal Agency Targeting Inspection Program Study

  • Addressing Return-to-Work Issues in the Federal Employees’ Compensation Act with Administrative Data


  • Using Administrative Data to Address Federal Contractor Violations of Equal Employment Opportunity Laws


The Department of Labor’s (DOL) Chief Evaluation Office (CEO) sponsors independent evaluations and research, primarily conducted by external, third-party contractors in accordance with the Department of Labor Evaluation Policy and CEO’s research development process.