April 28, 2021

Wage and Hour Division investigation recovers $3.8M in overtime back wages owed to 1,100 employees of major oil pipeline inspection company in 40 states

SAND SPRINGS, OK – Oilfield pipeline inspectors work long hours performing critical work, keeping more than 2.6 million miles of pipe in the U.S. secure and the communities around them safe. When pipelines explode, the damage can be catastrophic to communities, economies and the environment. The oil and gas industry depends on independent inspection companies to protect this essential infrastructure.

April 28, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety, health

SACRAMENTO, CA ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 28, 2021

US Department of Labor awards $103M to five states to expand projects to develop strategies to keep ill, injured workers in the workforce

WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Department of Labor today announced the award of five grants totaling more than $103 million to five state agencies to continue and expand pilot projects to help newly injured and ill workers remain in the workforce.

April 28, 2021

Chicagoland area grocer pays $144K in overtime back wages to 14 workers after US Department of Labor investigation

STREAMWOOD, IL – An investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division recovered $144,775 in overtime back wages for 14 employees of the Fiesta Market Inc. based in Streamwood.

April 28, 2021

OSHA cites Milwaukee area water technology facility after worker injured falling into water test pit

PEWAUKEE, WI – A worker for Xylem Inc., a water technology company in Pewaukee, suffered an injury when a guardrail loosened and he fell and struck his head on a support beam as he lowered himself into a nearly 30-foot deep water test pit.

April 28, 2021

US Department of Labor announces final rule delaying portions of 2020 Tip rule

WASHINGTON, DC The U.S. Department of Labor today announced a final rule delaying portions of the 2020 Tip final rule until Dec. 31, 2021.

April 28, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety, health

NEW YORK ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 28, 2021

Lavonia restaurant deprives servers of wages, requires working only for tips

LAVONIA, GA – A Lavonia restaurant’s decision to require its tipped servers to work for tips only by requiring them to cash their paychecks and return their cash wages led to the recovery of $123,869 in back wages for three workers following a U.S. Department of Labor investigation.

April 28, 2021

US Department of Labor observes 2021 Workers Memorial Day as agencies look ahead to stronger worker safety, health protections

WASHINGTON, DC – Every year on April 28, the U.S. Department of Labor and its Occupational Safety and Health Administration commemorates Workers Memorial Day, when we remember and honor the men and women who have lost their lives on the job. Many of these devastating losses were preventable if standards had been followed, appropriate controls existed and if safety and health programs were a priority.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers Nebraska lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety and health

KANSAS CITY, MO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety and health

CHICAGO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety, health

CHICAGO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety and health

CHICAGO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety, health

KANSAS CITY, MO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety, health

KANSAS CITY, MO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety and health

CHICAGO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at the end of their workday. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety, health

KANSAS CITY, MO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety, health

CHICAGO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.

April 27, 2021

Departamento de Trabajo de EE.UU. recupera $15,000 para 40 trabajadores tras detectar que un comerciante de mariscos en Iota no pagó los salarios legalmente requeridos

IOTA, LA – Cada año, la industria de cangrejos de río en Luisiana depende de trabajadores extranjeros temporales que junto a trabajadores estadounidenses realizan, de enero a julio, las labores necesarias para garantizar una buena cosecha. Ellos reparan, construyen, colocan y retiran las trampas en los campos, reparan diques y tuberías, limpian el equipamiento e inundan y drenan los campos. Todo esto se hace para producir el 95% de los pequeños crustáceos consumidos por los estadounidenses anualmente.

April 27, 2021

Workers Memorial Day remembers lives lost on the job, affirms OSHA’s commitment to protect worker’s safety, health

CHICAGO ‒ Every 99 minutes, about one worker suffers fatal injuries and fails to return home safely at their work day’s end. That’s 15 workers a day, 100 a week, more than 5,200 a year – a frightening reality, but one that the nation’s employers can change by following workplace safety and health standards and regulations.