The U.S. Department of Labor's Wage and Hour Division produced this self-assessment tool to help employers comply with the child labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. It reflects what our experience has shown to be some of the most common problems encountered in your industry. You can use this tool to help evaluate your firm's level of compliance. You are not required to use this tool, but you may find it helpful in preventing problems and achieving compliance with the federal child labor provisions.

If you answer YES to any questions, you are likely out of compliance.

Do any workers under the age of 18 do the following?

  • If you answered YES, then you are likely not in compliance. Minors under age 18 may not set up, operate or assist to operate, clean, oil, adjust, or repair, power driven meat processing equipment. This includes meat slicers, meat grinders, patty forming machines, meat and bone cutting saws, and food processors when used to process meats. Such minors may not hand wash any parts of power-driven meat processing machines, but they may run a rack of the disassembled parts through an automatic dishwasher if they do not touch the parts. See 29 CFR 570.61(link is external), FOH § 33h10(e)(3)(a).
  • If you answered NO, then you are likely in compliance.

Do any workers under the age of 16 do the following?

  • If you answered YES, then you are likely out of compliance. 14- and 15-year-olds may only perform cooking that (l) involves the use of electric and gas grilles that do not entail cooking over an open flame and (2) involves the use of deep fat fryers which are equipped with and utilize devices which automatically raise and lower the “baskets,” but not pressurized fryers. See 29 CFR 570.33(h)(link is external), 29 CFR 570.34(c)(link is external).
  • If you answered NO, then you are likely in compliance.

This self-assessment tool is provided for your convenience.