Train Management
Train supervisors and managers on child labor requirements. Our fact sheets provide guidance on nonagricultural occupations and farm jobs for young workers.

Distribute Resources
Provide child labor publications to all current and new workers under the age of 18. View our Young Worker Toolkit.

Build Trust
Establish an internal phone number that allows workers to report child labor violations anonymously. Let workers know that reporting violations will not lead to retaliation.

Provide Different Nametags
Provide workers under the age of 16 with a different color nametag than those worn by older workers. There are different hours and job rules for workers under 16.

Post Warnings
Post information about child labor hours limitations in a conspicuous place. Read Fact Sheet #43 to learn more about these limits in nonagricultural occupations.

Use Signage
Place signage on equipment that 14- and 15-year-old workers are prohibited to use. Download and print this flyer.

Spotlight Hazards
Post a "STOP" sticker on all the equipment that the Department of Labor considers hazardous for use by minors.