Babel notice (Español)

Now is the time to address equity in wages. This means increasing pay transparency, disrupting occupational segregation, eliminating discrimination, increasing access to paid leave, child and elder care, and creating pathways for women to enter into good jobs in order to build an inclusive economy where we can all thrive. Together, we can close the gender and racial wage gap.

Featured Research

Graph showing the gender wage ratio by occupation, comparing women's to men's wages

Map: Equal Pay and Pay Transparency Protections

This map provides information on federal and state-level equal pay and pay transparency protections for workers. More information about protection, coverage and available remedies are listed in an accompanying table at the link below. 

View the full text of protections shown in the map

Equal Pay Infographic, Key Messages and Social Graphics


The Equal Pay Act: 60 Years Later
A History of Progress View the Infographic

A History of Progress

Key Messages


Social Graphics