DOL American Job Centers

  • Need help finding a job?
  • Need training to advance your career?
  • Need to apply for unemployment insurance?
  • Look for getting assistance with childcare or other services?

You may be able to receive direct assistance at over 2,300 Department of Labor American Job Centers located throughout the country. Military spouses receive priority of service for job training programs, so please be sure to let the representative at the American Job Center know that you are a military spouse.

If you are a military spouse who lost your job or are unemployed due to your spouse’s relocation, you may be eligible for dislocated worker funding offered by American Job Centers.
Locate an American Job Center close to your home


Check out CareerOneStop, sponsored by the Department of Labor, where it centralizes free online tools, information, and resources related to career, training, and job search.

Military Spouse Employment Partnership

Visit the Military Spouse Employment Partnership if you are interested in finding job opportunities targeting military spouses.
Military Spouse Employment Partnership(link is external)

Federal Jobs

If you are interested in applying for federal jobs, there is a unique hiring path for military spouses. Apply using a non-competitive process designed to help you land a job in the federal government.
Federal Jobs at is external)

Virtual Jobs

If you are interested only in virtual jobs, consider exploring the National Labor Exchange. The National Labor Exchange provides a one-stop shop to find employment that opens career opportunities for those who prefer to work virtually.
National Labor Exchange(link is external)

Education and Career Guidance

If you need education and career guidance as a military spouse related to career exploration, education, training and licensing, employment readiness, and career connections, check out the Department of Defense’s Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program.

In the Spouse Education and Career Opportunities Program, there is a search box where you can explore resources specifically for military spouses. What’s more is they have quick links on learning about career paths, pursuing your education, accessing your network, building your resume, and so many more. They also provide free, comprehensive coaching services, offering specialty consultations six days a week.

One-on-One Career Mentorships

If you believe your education or work experience needs to be fully put in practice through your current job but do not know how to, consider connecting with American Corporate Partners. American Corporate Partners is a nonprofit organization that offers year-long, customized, one-on-one career mentorships to active-duty military spouses.
Mentorships at American Corporate Partners(link is external)

Connect with American Businesses

Hiring Our Heroes (HOH) connects the military community—service members, military spouses, and veterans—with American businesses to create economic opportunity and a strong and diversified workforce.
Hiring Our Heroes(link is external)

Business Ownership

If you are passionate about business ownership, check out the Small Business Administration’s Boots to Business (B2B), an entrepreneurial education and program for transitioning service members and their spouses. B2B provides participants with a two-day, in-person course to provide them with an introductory understanding of business ownership.
Boots to Business (B2B)(link is external)


In general, the SBA serves small businesses and entrepreneurs with what it calls “the three Cs” – capital, counseling and contracts. Each of those has special outreach for military spouses who may be interested in starting their own businesses.