Transition Into Civilian Life

Consider checking out the Military Spouse Transition Program (MySTeP), as this website will connect you with the right resources at the right time to help you successfully navigate military life at every stage of your spoused service member’s career.
Military Spouse Transition Program(link is external)

MilitaryOneSource’s Plan My Move

Visit MilitaryOneSource’s Plan My Move to create a custom checklist for your move. What’s cool is you can fill the checklist with information about the tasks you need to complete and how to achieve them. Your checklist is tailored to the unique needs that you or your family have. You can save, download and print your list to update during your moving process and use for future moves.
MilitaryOneSource’s Plan My Move(link is external)

Search for Homes or List Your Rental

Consider checking out the Department of Defense’s This website is designed to connect service members and their families with community housing rental listings. You can type in your current or future installation on the website to begin searching for homes or listing your rental property. is external)

Childcare Programs and Providers

Visit the Department of Defense’s Military Child Care where you can find approved childcare options worldwide. There are resources on the website for families with children with disabilities, for families living overseas with preschool-age children, for new parents and parents of children up to age five, and more.
Military Child Care(link is external)

Family and Life Counseling

Consider reaching out to MilitaryOneSource’s Military and Family Life Counseling Program, which is 100% free and confidential. This counseling program provides short-term, non-medical counseling. Counselors understand military life. They can help you manage it. Reach out with questions. They can be about parenting, moving, or deployment. They can be about work or the death of a loved one.
Military and Family Life Counseling Program(link is external)

Financial Education

Explore the Department of Defense’ MilSpouse Money Mission to provide you and your military family with a relatable and trusted financial education. This website offers blogs, financial calculators, Spanish resources, and quizzes to learn about your money personality.
MilSpouse Money Mission(link is external)

Morale and Welfare Support

You should visit MilitaryOneSource’s website to locate a nearby military and family support center.
MilitaryOneSource(link is external)

Create Strong Support Communities

Want to connect with your civilian neighbors and organizations to create strong communities of support for military families? Visit the Blue Star Families website, which has tools for job and career training, family care and support, and community building.

Blue Star Families is committed to strengthening military families by connecting them with their neighbors – individuals and organizations – to help to overcome the isolation and alienation of frequent moves, deployments, and reduced support from the government.
Blue Star Families(link is external)

Connect with Military Families

Consider joining the Military Spouse Advocacy Network through their many programs, such as Virtual Education and Resource Center, New Military Spouse Support Program, and Leadership Development Program.
Military Spouse Advocacy Network(link is external)

Advance Your Post-Service Life

The IVMF is higher education’s first interdisciplinary academic institute, singularly focused on advancing the post-service lives of the nation’s military veterans and their families to serve those who have served.
Institute for Veterans and Military Families(link is external)