
The Office of Labor-Management Standards offers opportunities for people at all levels to start a new chapter with an agency that values diversity, equity, unique experiences, and abilities that employees bring to the agency and the people we serve.


Our Mission

To administer and enforce standards of democracy, financial integrity, and promote labor union and labor-management transparency through reporting and disclosure requirements for labor unions and their officials, employers, labor relations consultants, and surety companies.


Join Our Team

We’re looking to join with people who are passionate, motivated and inspired to join our team. The diversity of our mission is matched only by the diversity of our workforce. BECOME part of the team!



OLMS services every state. You can find an office near you by visiting our Office Locator webpage.


Ready to Get Started?

There are a variety of employment opportunities with OLMS. Find the role that's right for you at


Benefits We Offer

Health and Insurance

We offer a variety of coverage to employees, including:

Learn more about federal benefits.


We provide a comprehensive retirement benefits plan, called the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). FERS has three components:

1. Basic Retirement Benefit (Annuity)                          

2. Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), which is a 401(k)-type plan with choice of investment funds and government-matching contributions up to five percent.

3. Social Security                                                                                                                                                                                              

Former federal employees covered under the Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS), please check the CSRS information on

Retirement Quick Guide

Vacation Time and Sick Leave

We offer generous vacation and sick leave benefits, as well as 10 paid holidays per year to our employees.

Additional DOL Leave Programs Leave Bank Program

The Leave Bank is a pooled fund of donated annual leave. This pooled leave is then available for use by Leave Bank members who need such leave because of a medical emergency. The Leave Bank Program permits DOL employees to join a bank and donate one pay periods leave accrual in order to apply for leave in the event of a medical emergency.

Voluntary Leave Transfer Program

The Voluntary Leave Transfer Program permits DOL employees to donate annual leave to other specifically identified employees who need such leave because of a medical emergency.

Alternative Work Schedule, Part-Time Employment, and Job Sharing Opportunities

You may be able to follow alternative work schedules (AWS) instead of traditional fixed work schedules (e.g., 8 hours per day, 40 hours per week), which can enable employees to have work schedules that help the employee balance work and family or personal responsibilities. Eighty-five percent of the Department's employees participate in some type of flexible work schedule, called flextime, which allows employees to accrue time for taking leave to attend to personal business. Flextime enables employees to vary their arrival and departure times. You may work in excess of the basic work requirement and earn credit time. Credit time earned in one pay period may be used as time off in another. DOL also offers opportunities for part-time work and job sharing.


Consistent with work requirements, DOL offers employees opportunities to perform work from an alternate location (e.g., home) other than their traditional office or location where work is typically performed.

Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) provides services designed to help employees, managers, and organizations meet life challenges and remain healthy, engaged, and productive. The program is a free, confidential, and professionally staffed service - which is available to help employees resolve personal problems that may adversely impact their job performance, attendance, and/or conduct. Such personal problems may include emotional, alcohol and drug-related, family and relationship, and/or financial issues. The EAP can help by providing high-quality problem assessment, short-term counseling and/or referral to appropriate community treatment resources, and follow-up (the cost of care by a community treatment resource is the employee's responsibility).


A free resource and referral service for DOL employees and their immediate family members. WorkLife4You can help you manage personal and family responsibilities.

Dependent Care - Child Care, Elder Care, and Special Needs

DOL is a longtime supporter of employees with dependent care needs and offers various service and programs to promote childcare needs of DOL employees.

Child Care Subsidy Program

In keeping with DOL's dedication to foster a quality workplace for all its employees, DOL provides a childcare subsidy to DOL families to assist them in their efforts to obtain quality, licensed day care for dependent children through the age of 13 and disabled children through the age of 18.

On-Site Child Care and Development Centers

DOL was one of the first federal agencies to establish an onsite day-care center. On-Site Child Care and Development Centers are available to our employees in some locations nationwide. Onsite or near-site day-care centers also are available in many of the Department's regional locations.

Dependent Care Research and Referral

DOL's prepaid life events management service offers extensive services help with prenatal planning; adoption preparation; childcare; school profiling; college and financial aid planning; adult care; and temporary or specialized care for dependents of all ages. This service lessens the time and stress associated with caring for loved ones and to relieve the tension between home obligations and work responsibilities. It serves those employees with dependent care needs as well as those without any care giving responsibilities who may need assistance locating a support group or balancing their work and personal lives.

Emergency Back-Up Dependent Care

Temporary or short-term care designed to help employees on those days when they are scheduled to work and their regular care arrangements are disrupted either expectedly (due to scheduled closing, holidays, vacations, etc.) or unexpectedly (due to illness, inclement weather, or other emergencies, etc.).

Assistive Services and Technology

Through the Central Office of Assistive Services and Technology, DOL assists and coordinates services and technical support for providing access and reasonable accommodations to DOL clients and employees with disabilities.

Employee Recognition Program

DOL recognizes the contributions of its employees in numerous ways. Our employees are eligible for monetary and/or non-monetary recognition such as the Secretary's Annual Honor Awards Programs for individual or team accomplishments that contribute to meeting the Department's goals.

Tuition Reimbursement

In certain cases, to enable DOL Agencies to recruit or retain highly qualified employees for hard-to-fill positions, DOL can provide assistance to employees with paying off their student loans.

Agencies may make payments to the loan holder of up to a maximum of $10,000 for an employee in a calendar year and a total of up to $60,000 (lifetime maximum) for any one employee.

In exchange for the student loan repayment incentive, the employee must sign a service agreement with the agency obligating them to continue agency service for a minimum of three years.

Transportation Subsidies

DOL provides a transit subsidy to DOL employees to encourage the use of public transportation.

Pre-Tax Parking

Employees can reduce their taxable income by the amount they actually pay for ‘qualified parking expenses’ (up to IRS maximum). Qualified parking is defined as ‘parking near or at the employees’ place of business or parking located near or at a place from which employees commute to work by mass transit, commuter highway vehicles, vanpools or carpools.

Bicycle Commuting Reimbursement Subsidy

DOL provides a reimbursement to defray some of the cost a bicycle commuter may incur. Eligible employees may be reimbursed up to the IRS maximum, toward qualified bicycle commuting expenses. Employees are eligible if they use a non-motorized bicycle for a substantial (50% or greater) portion to travel between their residence and worksite in a given month.

Fitness Centers

Fitness is an important part of staying healthy and productive at work and at home. The Department of Labor Fitness Center, in the Frances Perkins Building, Washington, D.C., was established in 1988 to help reduce stress and improve the health of employees. Center memberships are available to eligible employees and contractors for a nominal fee. Employee memberships can be paid through payroll deductions. Regional facilities, sometimes shared with other federal agencies, can be found in some of the regional locations. In the regional offices, employees may be eligible for fitness subsidies to assist with their fitness center membership dues.

Health Services

A variety of basic health services are available to DOL employees either at on-site health units, such as in the national office or through local health units in the regional cities. Some of the basic health services include assessment, treatment, counseling and referral for minor illnesses and injuries, immunizations, and health screening programs.



all hands in center


We’re all responsible for building a diverse, inclusive, and accountable environment where employees of all backgrounds and lifestyles feel a sense of belonging, mutual respect, and kindness. We promote a workplace where all of us can be empowered to be ourselves, embrace our uniqueness, and rise together.




Explore Hiring Paths

The federal government offers hiring paths to help hire individuals that represent our diverse society.



Equal Employment Opportunity

No applicant or employee will be subjected to discrimination in any aspect of employment on the basis of race, color, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), religion, national origin, age, disability (physical or mental), genetic information, or retaliation for participation in protected Equal Employment Opportunity activity. Visit Equal Employment Opportunity to read DOL’s Policy Statement on Equal Employment Opportunity, Retaliation, and Sexual Harassment.



We know that training and career growth are important to you. We offer challenging, interesting, and meaningful work, as well as a variety of training and professional development opportunities.

We encourage continuous learning experiences for all employees. We have both internal and external training opportunities.


What Does It Mean to Work at OLMS?




Last Updated: 1-24-24