1F00 Organizational Profile

An organizational profile is a depiction of the staffing pattern within an establishment. Contractors must use either a workforce analysis or an organizational display as its organizational profile.

a. Workforce Analysis. Under 41 CFR 60-2.11(c), a workforce analysis is acceptable if it:

  • Contains a listing of each job title as it appears in applicable collective bargaining agreements or payroll records within each department or other similar organizational unit including the unit supervisor, ranked from the lowest-paid to highest-paid and
  • Provides a separate listing for each work unit or line of progression including the unit supervisor when there are separate work units or lines of progression within the department or organizational unit.

In addition, the workforce analysis must include information by job title, wage rate, department and/or organizational unit and lines of progression. Below is a description of each of these elements.

  • Information by Job Title. Each job title listed shows the total number of people in the job title, the total number of men and women, and the total number of men and women in each of the races and ethnic groups identified in 41 CFR 60-2.11 or in the current EEO-1 report. The list must include all job titles, including managerial job titles. Upper management positions located in the establishment must be included in an establishment’s workforce analysis, even though the managers may have been chosen by those outside the establishment and included for goal-setting purposes in a corporate or mid-level AAP following the regulations at 41 CFR 60-2.11(c)(4). OFCCP Directive 2008-02, “Federal Contractors’ Obligation to Maintain and Analyze the Race and Ethnicity Data of Applicants and Employees in Affirmative Action Programs Prepared Under Executive Order 11246, as amended”, indicates that OFCCP will accept AAPs and supporting records that reflect the race, ethnicity and job categories outlined in either 41 CFR Part 60-2 or the current EEO-1 Report. Also, for purposes of complying with OFCCP requirements, contractors choosing to follow the current EEO-1 categories may count applicants and employees identifying as “two or more races” as minorities.
  • Wage Rate. The wage rate or salary range for each job title must be provided, although this information may be coded. Titles must be listed from the lowest-paid to highest-paid. Contractors must provide the key to wage rate or salary range codes if they are used. The codes must be consistent across department or unit lines. For example, a job with a salary code 1157 in Department A pays the same as one coded 1157 in Department B. The codes must also be consistent in wage rate or salary range order within each department or other similar organization unit. Finally, the contractor’s submission should include a list of the codes used in wage and salary order with the lowest and highest codes labeled appropriately.
  • Departments or Organizational Units. The departments or organizational units, or both, used in the workforce analysis must be identifiable and should reflect the contractor’s organizational structure. If the contractor provides an organizational chart as part of the supporting documentation, the Investigator will compare it to and match it with the units used in the workforce analysis.
  • Lines of Progression. Lines of progression or usual promotional sequences show the order of jobs in the line through which an employee moves to reach the top of the line. Lines of progression or promotional sequences can be identified from collective bargaining agreements, as well as from organizational charts. If the Investigator determines that lines of progression exist but adequate information is not provided at the desk audit, the Investigator will contact the contractor to request a prompt submission of the information.

b. Organizational Display. An acceptable organizational display is one that meets the requirements of 41 CFR 60-2.11(b). It must contain the following elements for each unit:

  • Name of the unit;
  • Job title, gender, race and ethnicity of the unit supervisor (if the unit has a supervisor);
  • Total number of male and female employees in the unit; and
  • Total number of male and female employees by racial or ethnic groups.