The Security Center (SC) provides leadership on all matters relating to physical, personnel, and national security information for the Department of Labor. The SC is dedicated to ensuring a safe and secure workplace, responsible for the protection of life and property of DOL owned/leased facilities, and ensures that Federal and contract employees are suitable and/or fit for employment with DOL. The SC is also responsible for the development and maintenance of appropriate working relationships with federal, state and local agencies that perform critical security, national security, emergency response, and law enforcement functions. Through the development and implementation of security policy and the protection of agency employees, visitors, personal property, and classified information, the Security Center has and will continue to ensure that the Department of Labor and its employees can perform their mission.
Organization Chart

The Security Center is under the leadership of the Director, Billie Jo Agambar, who oversees: Robert Behm, Deputy Director; India Dupree, Administrative Officer; Latasha Jones, Administrative Specialist; and Sharon Banks, Operations Specialist.
The Deputy Director oversees the following staff and divisions: Timothy Deane, Physical Security and Emergency Response Supervisory Security Specialist; Thomas DeBusk, National Security, and Insider Threat Special Security Officer; and, Vacant, Division Chief of Personnel Security and Suitability currently covered by Robert Behm as Acting Division Chief.