Federal agencies are required by law to ensure the protection of the personally identifiable information (PII) they collect, store, and transmit. With a thriving digital economy, agencies are collecting ever-larger amounts of personal information unlike ever before. Instances of past abuse, misuse, and egregious errors in federal agencies' management of personal information, combined with growing public concern about the U.S. government's ability to protect their private information, have increased congressional scrutiny and expectations for compliance with federal privacy laws and regulations. Protection of the Government's vast accumulation of personal information begins with the responsibility of federal employees at all levels and in all positions.
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) is responsible for ensuring proper protections of the information contained within its information systems, including PII. To that end, the Department developed a Privacy Impact Methodology to assess whether a system that contains PII meets legal privacy requirements. The findings of the assessments are outlined in the Executive Summary Reports.
Executive Summary Reports
Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS)
- Consumer Price Index (CPI)
- National Longitudinal Survey (NLS)
- Occupational Safety and Health Statistics (OSHS)
Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA)
- Retirement Savings Lost & Found (RSLF)
- Enforcement Management System (EMS)
- Technical Assistance and Inquiries System (TAIS)
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) Filing Acceptance System (EFAST) II
Employment and Training Administration (ETA)
- BPMP (Business Process Management Platform)
- EBSS (Enterprise Business Support System)
- Division of Indian and Native American Programs Grantee Performance Management System (DINAP)
- FLCS (Foreign Labor Certification System)
- Unemployment Insurance Claimant Portal (UICP)
- Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) System
- Petition Automated Workflow System (PAWS)
- Registered Appreticeship Partners Information Data System System 2.0 (RAPIDS 2.0)
- Unemployment Insurance Reporting System (UIRS)
- Workforce Integrated Performance System (WIPS)
- YouthBuild
Job Corps
- Student Pay, Allotment & Management Information System (SPAMIS)
- JobCorps Applicant Check System (JACS)
Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)
Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ)
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM)
- DOL Cloud Service (DOLCS)
- CRM (Customer Relationship Management Solution)
- DOL Enterpise Data Platform (EDP)
- DOL Appeals Management System (AMS)
- Universal Pre-employment Suitability Transaction Accountability & Reporting Tool (UPSTART)
- OutSystems
Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)
Office of Inspector General (OIG)
- OIG-OI Digital Evidence Management System (DEMS)
- OIG Teammate
- Electronic Office of Inspector General (E-OIG)
- OIG General Support System (GSS)
Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS)
Office of Public Affairs (OPA)
Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA)
Office of the Solicitor (SOL)
Office of Workers' Compensation Programs (OWCP)
- Automated Support Package (ASP)
- Integrated Federal Employees' Compensation System (iFECS)
- Longshore Case Management System (LCMS)
- Longshore Disbursement System (LDS)
- Energy Compensation System (ECS)
- OMBUDS Office System (OOS)
- Energy Program Systems (OWCS)
Wage and Hour Division (WHD)
- Back Wage Financial System (BWFS)
- Civil Money Penalty (CMP)
- Wage & Hour Investigative Support and Reporting Database (WHISARD)
- Wage & Hour Integrated Services Platform (WHISP)