![Search Tool Options](/sites/dolgov/files/OALJ//images/Advanced_Search_Splash_570_x_285.jpg)
The United States Department of Labor, Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ) offers advanced search applications for finding information about hearing procedure, specific cases, and relevant law.
The Keyword and Case Number search tools were developed as a collaboration between OALJ and the technology team at Benefits.gov. The DMS Search and the Case Status Lookup are specialized applications linked to OALJ's Case Tracking System.
Search by Keyword (Full Text)
Search the OALJ website and select information from the Administrative Review Board and the Benefits Review Board. This search permits filtering by facets such as originating agency, program area, case type, document type, document format, and date range.
Search by Case Number (Specific Case Documents)
Search by case number for all published orders, notices, decisions and other documents issued by the presiding ALJ. This search permits filtering by facets such as whether the document is a decision, order, notice, continuance, etc.
![Search Toggle Illustration](/sites/dolgov/files/OALJ/images/OALJ_Search_Toggle.jpg)
To reach this search, use the toggle button on the destination page.
DMS Search (Case Number, Party Name, and Decision Date)
Search of OALJ's Document Management System (DMS) for specific case documents by case number, name of party, or date of decision.
Case Status Lookup (OALJ Docket Sheet)
Search by case number for the public docket sheet for specific cases at the OALJ level.