Research Project on Efforts to Eliminate Child Labor and Forced Labor in the Cocoa Sector

Project Duration
December 2022
March 2024
Funding and Year

The goal of this project was to research, identify, and develop indicators of progress being made in high-risk countries to eliminate child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sector; to research best practices utilized by the governments and the cocoa and chocolate industry, and to research the participation of worker organizations in addressing child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sector.

The Problem

Some 1.56 million children are engaged in child labor (including some in forced child labor) in the production of cocoa in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, despite efforts to address the problem by the international cocoa and chocolate industry, the Governments of Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and the United States; and other key stakeholders.

Our Strategy

The project was responsible for:

  • Researching, identifying, and developing indicators of progress being made in high-risk countries to eliminate child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sector, including progress towards mapping all cocoa farms.
  • Researching government and industry best practices for management, reporting, and verification of cocoa and cocoa products to address the risk they are produced with child labor and forced labor. 
  • Researching the active and meaningful participation of worker organizations in efforts to eliminate child labor and forced labor in the cocoa sector of high-risk countries.


The project collected data, held focus group discussions, and conducted analysis of the research. It is currently preparing its final reports.  

AIR produced reports that include a list of recommended indicators of progress; an analysis of the efforts to address child and forced labor in the cocoa sector of the listed countries, including a retrospective assessment of efforts in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana since 2019; government and industry best practices, and meaningful participation of worker organizations.

  • AIR 2024 Report on Progress Indicators (English and French)
  • AIR 2024 Assessment Report on Efforts of Governments, Industry, and Workers’ Organizations to Address Child Labor and Forced Labor in the Cocoa Sectors in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire (English and French)
  • AIR 2024 Assessment Report on Efforts of Governments, Industry, and Workers’ Organizations to Address Child Labor and Forced Labor in the Cocoa Sector in Brazil, Ecuador, and Indonesia (English)