Promoting Better Understanding of Indicators to Address Forced Labor and Labor Trafficking in Peru

Project Duration
December 2017
December 2022
Funding and Year

This project supports the Peruvian government and other labor stakeholders to build their capacity to prevent, detect, and eliminate forced labor and labor trafficking from workplaces in Peru. By bringing together the Ministry of Labor, regional and local governments, law enforcement officials, and the judiciary branch, the project aims to encourage better enforcement through consultation and consensus building.

The Problem

Although data is scarce, there are more than 3,900 human trafficking victims in Peru. The overwhelming majority of these victims are women and girls. Peru has ratified international agreements against forced labor and trafficking in persons. It has a strong regulatory framework, government labor monitoring infrastructure, an intersectoral plan and commissions to address forced labor and labor trafficking. It also has a regulatory framework to prosecute and punish forced labor. However, local government, the private sector, civil society and other stakeholders lack the tools to identify indicators of forced labor and labor trafficking and to help victims obtain necessary services.

Our Strategy

The project supports the government and other labor stakeholders in Peru to better understand and identify indicators of forced labor and labor trafficking in the workplace. Through more effective monitoring of working conditions and more robust enforcement, Peruvian labor inspectors and other labor stakeholders are becoming better equipped to recognize these indicators and to address incidents of forced labor and labor trafficking in workplaces across the country. The project works in close collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Employment Promotion, the Superintendence for Labor Inspection, regional and local governments in Cusco and Loreto, as well as prosecutors, police officers, judges and other assistance and care professionals in the public sector.


  • At the national policy level, the project saw promising results of its advocacy work on issues of trafficking and forced labor, including a reference to the application of forced labor indicators within the III National Plan Against Forced. Through its advocacy, the project mobilized members of the National Congress to undertake legislative initiatives related to forced labor.
  • The project completed four special studies on forced labor indicators as the basis for a new a technical proposal
Capital Humano y Social Alternativo (CHS)
Contact Information: / Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT)
Child Labor
Capacity Building
Forced Labor
Human Trafficking
Labor Inspection Enforcement
Labor Trafficking