PROMOTE: Decent Work for Domestic Workers to End Child Domestic Work

Project Duration
December 2012
March 2018
Funding and Year

The goal of the project is to reduce child domestic work by promoting decent work for domestic workers

The Problem

It is estimated that there are a minimum of 2.6 million domestic workers in Indonesia, of which 700,000 are children below 18 years. Domestic workers in Indonesia are vulnerable to a wide range of abuses and exploitation, including excessive working hours, unpaid wages, forced confinement, physical and/or sexual abuse, forced labor and trafficking. Child domestic workers are particularly vulnerable as separation from their families and a dependency on their employers increases their risk of exploitation and abuse. 

Our Strategy

Specific objectives include:

  • Expanding legal protections to child and adult domestic workers;
  • Broadening the outreach and responsiveness of domestic worker organizations at the national and regional levels to combat the problem of child domestic work and improve decent work of domestic workers through targeted capacity building;
  • Promoting in-country and regional knowledge sharing;
  • Raising awareness using non-traditional media and innovative partnerships;
  • Ensuring analysis and documentation of project outcomes

Summary of Activities:

Proposed activities will focus on the following:

  • Promote the ratification of ILO Convention 189 on decent work for domestic workers in Indonesia;
  • Provide technical support to promote the adoption of Indonesia’s Bill on Domestic Work;
  • Promote the adoption of provincial and district regulations providing specific protections for 15 – 17 year old child domestic workers;
  • Strengthen the capacity of at least three burgeoning Indonesia domestic worker organizations;
  • Build capacity on rights awareness and selfempowerment of domestic workers through collective action reaching at least 20,000 domestic workers;
  • Promote a major national awareness raising campaign on domestic workers’ rights;
  • Pilot test a two-way text messing platform for domestic workers to report instances of abuse and seek assistance;
  • Conduct research on domestic workers’ working conditions and wages and generate new estimates of the number of child and adult domestic workers in Indonesia;
  • Foster learning and sustained action across Asia on decent work for domestic workers through regional and in-country knowledge sharing workshops;
  • Develop monitoring tools for domestic workers to assess their working and living conditions. 



The “PROMOTE” project will reduce child domestic work significantly by building the institutional capacities of domestic worker organizations to more effectively promote decent work for domestic workers, improving legal protection and enforcement of laws, and supporting a reliable referral mechanism for cases of exploitation. The project will build the capacity of three domestic worker organizations and will provide 20,000 domestic workers with information on their rights and contribute towards their self-empowerment.

The project will target the following provinces: Greater Jakarta (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bikasi) Lampung, East Java, and South Sulawesi. 

International Labor Organization (ILO)
Implementing Partners:
American Center for International Labor Solidarity (Solidarity Center), Association of Indonesian Domestic Work Suppliers, Anti-Slavery International, International Domestic Workers Network, Journalists Association (AJI), KAPPRT & BM, National Network for Domestic Workers Advocacy in Indonesia (JALA PRT), Network of Indonesian Child Labor NGOs (JARAK), other workers organizations and employers organizations, Teachers Union (PGRI), WIEGO
Contact Information:
(202) 693-4843 / Office of Child Labor, Forced Labor, and Human Trafficking (OCFT)
Child Labor
Capacity Building
Domestic Work