Example in Action: Wage Theft against Migrant Workers during COVID-19
Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA)* is a regional network of NGOs, associations, and trade unions committed to protecting and promoting the rights and welfare of migrant workers. Their Justice for Wage Theft reports analyze cases of wage theft documented by MFA and its partners. The latest report, “Crying Out for Justice,” was published in February 2022 and includes 2,602 documented cases of wage theft across Asia in over a dozen sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report found the largest proportion of cases in construction, and widely reported cases in domestic work, disproportionately impacting female workers. In total, the cases described in MFA’s report reflect $19.2 million in stolen wages and dues for migrant workers from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Nepal, and the Philippines.
Source: https://justiceforwagetheft.org/api/files/16454497686693kyxqxz1x2p.pdf
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