National Job Corps Study and Longer-Term Follow-Up Study

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National Job Corps Study and Longer-Term Follow-Up Study

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This project is to examine longer-term earnings impacts and benefit-cost comparisons using the same Job Corps sample and earnings data from administrative records.  This report is the final in a series of project reports from the large-scale random assignment evaluation of Job Corps and presents findings based on administrative earnings records covering the ten years after random assignment and updates findings from the benefit-cost analysis.  The report also provides a comprehensive summary of key study findings across all project reports from the twelve-year study.


The main findings include: (1) During the four-year survey period of the Job Corps impact study, Job Corps increased the education and job training services that participants in the sample received by about 1,000 hours.  (2) Job Corps significantly reduced involvement with crime, conviction, and incarceration rates across all youth subgroups.  (3) Job Corps generated earnings gains during the first two years after program exit.  However, overall, there are no longer-term program impacts on earnings according to the administrative records data, except among older students.  (4) Job Corps produces beneficial impacts for disadvantaged youth, most of whom enroll in the program without a high school credential.