National Evaluation of the Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3): Summary of the Evaluation's Reports and Findings

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National Evaluation of the Performance Partnership Pilots for Disconnected Youth (P3): Summary of the Evaluation's Reports and Findings

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To promote a more integrated system of federal, state, local, and tribal services for disconnected youth, Congress authorized the Performance Partnership Pilots (P3) for Disconnected Youth under the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2014. The Act allowed a set of grantee organizations and their partners, together called "pilots", to waive regulations, such as spending and performance requirements, and gain coordinated access to the discretionary funds of several federal agencies.

This report summarizes the reports and findings produced by the evaluation of the P3 initiative, which included three components: (1) administrative data collection to document the work of the pilots, (2) an implementation study to examine the Federal partners' work to realize P3 and pilots' efforts to change systems and provide services to youth, and (3) the provision of evaluation technical assistance to help strengthen the designs and reporting of pilots' local evaluations. Over the course of the five-year evaluation period, the national evaluation produced reports documenting the pilots' efforts to realize the P3 authority, to provide services to disconnected youth, and to evaluate their initiatives. The national evaluation also produced a special topic paper on how COVID-19 affected youth services.

This report details the research activities and highlights key findings from all components of the five-year evaluation. First, it describes the implementation study, and provides an overview of the study's findings. Then, it describes the evaluation technical assistance activities provided to grantees and their local evaluators and presents findings from the synthesis of Cohort 1 pilots' local evaluation reports. Lastly, it offers brief considerations of how the lessons learned from P3 can inform future efforts.