Impact of Extension of Coverage to Agricultural Workers under P.L. 94-566, Their Characteristics and Economic Welfare

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Impact of Extension of Coverage to Agricultural Workers under P.L. 94-566, Their Characteristics and Economic Welfare

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In October 1976 President Ford signed into law PL 94-566, the ?Unemployment Compensation Amendment of 1976? (henceforth, the law), which among other items extends unemployment insurance (UI) coverage to the employment of workers in agricultural establishments employing ?10 or more workers for 20 weeks or more or a high quarter payroll of at least $20,000,? (henceforth, the ?10 in 20 or $20,000? provision). Since the law provides for agricultural coverage under its terms by January 1978, lawmakers of individual states will have to pass legislation during 1977. Because previous studies (Baduer, et al., Seaver, et al., Elterich and Bieker 1975) did not consider the provision of the law as it was finally enacted, it seems imperative to provide some answers to the impact it may have on agricultural employers, workers and states? UI funds. The objectives of the study are: (a) To estimate the proportion of agricultural employers affected by the legislation and to present the characteristics of these employers such as proportion of covered workers, employment in man-weeks, and total payroll; (b) To calculate the cost rates of the unemployment insurance for agriculture; (c) To analyze the impact of the agricultural portion of the legislation on the individual state UI trust fund.