The Adequacy of Unemployment Insurance Benefits: An Analysis of Adjustments Undertaken Through Thirteen and Twenty-Five Weeks of Unemployment

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The Adequacy of Unemployment Insurance Benefits: An Analysis of Adjustments Undertaken Through Thirteen and Twenty-Five Weeks of Unemployment

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This is the second in a series of reports based on the Arizona Benefit Adequacy (ABA) Study. Whereas the first report focused on measurement of the differing degrees of benefit adequacy achieved under the differing degrees of benefit adequacy achieved under the prevailing and certain hypothetical benefit formulas. The present report emphasizes the types and magnitudes of adjustments undertaken by the insured unemployed during the compensated spell of unemployment. Adjustments to unemployment are analyzed over two intervals: from the onset of compensated unemployment to the thirteenth week of unemployment (for the subset of the total sample that experienced thirteen consecutive weeks of compensated unemployment) and from the onset of compensated unemployment to the twenty-fifth week of unemployment (for the subset of the total sample that experienced twenty-five consecutive weeks of compensated unemployment). For the latter group, an analysis of intertemporal adjustments (that is, from the fifth to the thirteenth week, and from the thirteenth to the twenty-fifth week) also is provided. The job search/ reemployment experiences of the subset of the total sample that had obtained reemployment by the time of the twenty-fifth week interview also are investigated in this report. Each aspect of the analysis summarized above is conduced for the relevant component of the total sample, and for subsets of this group classified by the extent of benefit adequacy recorded for time during the preunemployment (employed) month.