The public workforce system is designed to support economic growth and prosperity by connecting businesses with the skilled workforce that they need to achieve sustained success.

We are where you are: contact your local American Job Center to assist with recruitment and hiring.

You may also be interested in:

  • Connecting with your State or Local Workforce Development Board (WDB). Part of a WDB’s role is to develop regional strategic plans, set funding priorities for their area, and that deliver services to workers and employers.
  • Accessing the Business Center Toolkit to create customized solutions for your business needs.
  • Shaping your future workforce and improve productivity with a high-quality Registered Apprenticeship Program.
    • Start an apprenticeship program
    • List your apprenticeship program
  • Hiring veterans, which is a practical way to get the skills and experience your business needs.
  • Enhancing your team by hiring qualified individuals with disabilities to gain unique abilities. Resources include:
  • Expanding your applicant pool and diversifying your team by investing in qualified American job seekers who may face additional barriers to employment. A Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is available to eligible employers who extend hiring opportunities to individuals within specific targeted groups.
  • Increasing your access to talented applicants by obtaining business insurance. The Federal Bonding Program provides fidelity bonds to employers willing to hire individuals with barriers to employment and protect employers for the first six months of employment at no cost.