RACC College Members

find an office
State Institution First Name Last Name City Phone # Email Website
Alaska (AK)
AK University of Alaska System Fred Villa Fairbanks (907) 450-8008 fvilla@alaska.edu www.alaska.edu (link is external)
Colorado (CO)
CO Colorado Community College System Ben Nesbitt Denver 303-595-1614 ben.nesbitt@cccs.edu www.cccs.edu(link is external)
District of Columbia (DC)
DC AFL-CIO Building & Construction Trades Dept. Tom Kriger Washington 202-756-4672
Cell: 202-304-8395
TKriger@bctd.org www.bctd.org/index.aspx(link is external)
DC American Association of Community Colleges Jen Worth Washington 202-728-0200 jworth@aacc.nche.edu www.aacc.nche.edu(link is external)
Georgia (GA)
GA Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) Dr. Kathryn Hornsby Atlanta 404-679-1600 khornsby@tcsg.edu www.tcsg.edu
Illinois (IL)
IL Council on Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL) Joel Simon Chicago 312-499-2678 jsimon@cael.org www.cael.org
Maryland (MD)
MD Achieving the Dream Diane Bosak Silver Spring 240-450-3820 dbosak@achievingthedream.org www.achievingthedream.org
North Carolina (NC)
NC North Carolina Community College System Matthew Meyer Raleigh 919-807-7155 meyerm@nccommunitycolleges.edu www.nccommunitycolleges.edu(link is external)
Ohio (OH)
OH Ohio Association of Community Colleges Mike Snider Columbus 614-221-6222 msnider@ohiocc.org www.ohiocommunitycolleges.org(link is external)
OH Ohio Board of Regents Dr. Paula K. Compton Columbus 614-466-3334 pcompton@regents.state.oh.us www.ohiohighered.org(link is external)
Oregon (OR)
OR Oregon Department of Community Colleges and Workforce Development Shalee Hodgson Salem 503-947-2409 shalee.l.hodgson@state.or.us www.oregon.gov/ccwd(link is external)
Pennsylvania (PA)
PA Collegiate Consortium for Workforce and Economic Development Dr. Jerome Parker Media 610-359-5100 jparker@dccc.edu www.collegiateconsortium.org
South Carolina (SC)
SC South Carolina Technical College System Brad Neese Columbia 803-896-5376; cell: 803-917-6106 neese@sctechsystem.edu www.sctechsystem.edu(link is external)
Virginia (VA)
VA Southeast Maritime & Transportation Center (SMART) Barbara Murray Virginia Beach 757-822-7485; cell: 757-401-8259 bmurray@tcc.edu www.maritime-technology.org(link is external)
VA Virginia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education Lawrence Dotolo Norfolk 757-683-3183; cell: 757-620-5324 lgdotolo@aol.com www.vtc.odu.edu(link is external)
West Virginia (WV)
WV West Virginia Community and Technical College System Casey Sacks Charleston (304) 558-0265 Sacks@wvctcs.org
Wisconsin (WI)
WI Wisconsin Technical Colllege System Marge Wood Madison 608-297-9062 Marge.Wood@wtcsystem.edu mywtcs.wtcsystem.edu(link is external)