ATTENTION — The information on this page is intended for States and Workforce System partners. If you are a job seeker please visit to find the nearest American Job Center.

The Graphics Style Guide for Partners contains specific guidance on the implementation of all graphical elements used to identify and promote American Job Centers.

The American Job Center Network is a unifying name and brand that identifies online and in-person workforce development services as part of a single network. We request that states and local areas use the toolkit on this web page to proactively identify One-Stop Career Centers as "American Job Centers" in outreach materials, websites, and other communications. The toolkit can be used as an easy way for jobseekers and employers to locate, recognize and access workforce development services, and are appropriate for physical One-Stop Career Centers or websites. The Department announced the American Job Center brand in Training and Employment Guidance Letter No. 36-11, available at

Terms of Use for American Job Center Logo

The U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (ETA), in coordination with the Department of Education, has established the American Job Center network, a unifying name and brand that identifies online and in-person workforce development services as part of a single network. In connection with this activity, ETA established trademark ownership of the following logos: 1) “American Job Center network”; and 2) “a proud partner of the American Job Center network” (“Logos”) for use in the public workforce system.

WIOA sec. 121(e)(4) requires each one-stop delivery system to include in the identification of products, programs, activities, services, facilities, and related property and materials, a common one-stop delivery system identifier, in addition to using any State- or locally-developed identifier.

The WIOA Final Rule at 20 CFR § 678.900 (81 Fed. Reg. 55791(link is external) (Aug. 19, 2016)) provides more specific requirements of the common identifier, which was developed by the Secretary of Labor in consultation with other entities, as required by WIOA sec. 121(e)(4). Specifically, the common identifier that must be used by the one-stop delivery system is the “American Job Center.” The one-stop delivery system must use either that common identifier or the tag line phrase “a proud partner of the American Job Center network.” Either the plain text or one of the logos may be used. If a logo is used, it must be used in accordance with the guidelines contained in the Graphics Style Guide for Partners, and with the terms of use for the logos.

The timeframe for adopting the required rebranding varies depending on the type of material. The Final Rule at 20 CFR § 678.900(b) requires that, “As of November 17, 2016, each one-stop delivery system must include the ‘American Job Center’ identifier or ‘a proud partner of the American Job Center network’ on all primary electronic resources used by the one-stop delivery system, and on any newly printed, purchased, or created materials.” The Final Rule at 20 CFR § 678.900(c) further requires that “As of July 1, 2017, each one-stop delivery system must include the ‘American Job Center’ identifier or ‘a proud partner of the American Job Center network’ on all products, programs, activities, services, electronic resources, facilities, and related property and new materials used in the one-stop delivery system.” Finally, as the Departments of Labor and Education stated in the Preamble to the Final Rule, “[T]he Departments will not object if the one-stop centers continue to use materials not using the ‘American Job Center’ branding which are created before November 17, 2016 until those supplies are exhausted.”

By clicking-on your assent below, your organization (You) agrees to the following Terms of Use for use of the Logos:

  1. You represent and warrant that your organization is one of the following:
    1. State Workforce Agency;
    2. State Workforce Development Board (SWDB) as defined in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA) Section 101; or
    3. Local Workforce Development Board (LWDBs) as defined in WIOA Section 107.
  2. Upon your written notification to ETA via e-mail to with the words “Usage Notice” in the subject line of the message, ETA, as owner of the Logos, grants You a royalty-free, non-exclusive right to use (License) the Logos solely for ETA-funded workforce development activities specified in the grant agreement between you and ETA. Except as expressly provided for in these Terms of Use, use of the Logos for any other purpose, including but not limited to for-profit commercial activities, is prohibited.
  3. LWDBs may sublicense use of the Logos only to other organizations that operate American Job Centers, and only as consistent with these Terms of Use, upon written notification to ETA via e-mail to with the words “Sublicense Notice” in the subject line of the message. Such sublicense shall terminate either upon expiration of the LWDB’s license or immediately if the sublicensee ceases to operate an American Job Center. In the notification, LWDBs must describe the organization to which it intends to sublicense use of the Logos, and a description of the LWDB relationship to the organization. Upon notifying ETA, the LWDB may sublicense use of the Logos solely for the purpose stated in the notification.
  4. SWDBs may sublicense use of the Logos to only other organizations that operate American Job Centers, and only as consistent with these Terms of Use, upon written notification to ETA via e-mail to with the words “Sublicense Notice” in the subject line of the message. Such sublicense shall terminate either upon expiration of the SWDB’s license or immediately if the sublicensee ceases to operate an American Job Center. In the notification, SWDBs must describe the organization to which it intends to sublicense use of the Logos, and a description of the SWDB relationship to the organization. Upon notifying ETA, the SWDB may sublicense use of the Logos solely for the purpose stated in the notification.
  5. ETA reserves the right to update these Terms of Use at any time without notice to You.
  6. This License is not assignable. Any attempt to assign or sublicense rights in the Logos, except as expressly provided by these Terms of Use or otherwise as expressly agreed upon by ETA, will be deemed a breach of this agreement and result in immediate termination of the License. Where the right to sublicense is authorized, You agree that You will not charge others a license or royalty fee for the right to use either Logo.
  7. Except as otherwise provided for in an existing grant agreement between You and ETA (“Parties”), this License shall expire three years from the date of your acceptance of these Terms of Use, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon by the Parties during the term of the License. Either party may terminate the License upon ninety days written notice to the other party. Upon expiration of the License, the License may be renewed for successive five-year periods upon mutual agreement of the Parties. Upon termination of the License, You agree to immediately cease all use of the Logos. In the event that ETA determines that You have breached these Terms of Use, You will be notified by ETA and given thirty days to cure such breach. In the event that You do not cure the breach within thirty days, ETA may immediately terminate the License and will notify You of such termination within five days of such termination.
  8. You agree that You will not take any action to disparage, tarnish, or otherwise adversely affect ETA’s rights in and goodwill associated with the Logos.
  9. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless ETA and the U.S. Department of Labor from any and all claims, damages, including attorneys’ fees, arising from your organization’s use of the Logos; except to the extent that any such claims, damages or attorneys’ fees arose in connection with any act or failure to act on the part of ETA and/or the U.S. Department of Labor.
  10. These Terms of Use shall be governed by the federal laws of the United States.
  11. Should any provision or part of a provision of these Terms of Use be determined invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidation shall not invalidate the remaining portions thereof, and they shall remain in full force and effect.

Acceptance of the Terms

By clicking-on your assent for the use of the Logos, You accept these Terms of Use established by the Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor.


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