- UIPL No. 29-93 (Issue Date: May 27, 1993)Subject
Unemployment Insurance Revenue Quality Control--Recruitment of State Staff for the Revenue Quality Control Work Group
PurposeTo announce continuing opportunities for State employment security agency (SESA) tax staff to actively participate in the Revenue Quality Control (RQC) program development.
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993 - TEIN No. 32-92 (Issue Date: May 26, 1993)Subject
Department of Commerce's Economic Development Administration Defense Adjustment Assistance
PurposeTo transmit the toll free "1-800" number, and information on the Department of Commerce's (DOC) Economic Development Administration (EDA).
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993 - TEIN No. 31-92 (Issue Date: May 24, 1993)Subject
Questions and Answers About Standardized Program Information Reporting (SPIR)
PurposeTo provide clarification of previously issued guidance on a variety of issues pertaining to the implementation of SPIR.
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993 - TEGL No. 11-92 (Issue Date: May 19, 1993)Subject
Final Planning Allotments for Program Year (PY) 1993 Basic Labor Exchange Activities
PurposeTo transmit updates to the Secretary's national numerical standards for Program Years 1992-1993.
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993 - GAL No. 12-92, Change 3 (Issue Date: May 19, 1993)Subject
Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1991, As Amended-- Clarification and Revision
PurposeTo provide revised operating instructions for States and State Employment Security Agencies (SESAs) for the administration of Section 105(c)(1) of Title I of the "Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act of 1991," as amended.
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993 - UIPL No. 27-93 (Issue Date: May 13, 1993)Subject
Implementation of Benefits Quality Control (BQC) Alternative Methodology
PurposeTo provide information to State employment security agencies (SESA) on the implementation of alternative methodologies for conducting BQC investigations.
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993 - UIPL No. 28-93 (Issue Date: May 13, 1993)Subject
Unemployment Insurance Revenue Quality Control (QC)-- Employer Compliance Audit Pilot
PurposeTo solicit volunteers for a pilot effort to assess the accuracy of contribution reports and completeness of timely payment of contributions of registered employers by performing "random" audits.
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993 - UIPL No. 26-93 (Issue Date: May 11, 1993)Subject
Training Program for State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Tax Field Auditors
PurposeTo advise State Agency Administrators that the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is nearing completion of a training program for UC Tax Field Auditors, designed to complement State UC tax compliance training, and to announce Train-the-Trainer S
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993 - TEIN No. 28-92 (Issue Date: May 10, 1993)Subject
Procurement for the summer challenge
PurposeTo provide States with information on procurements under the "Summer Challenge" program to be implemented in calendar year (CY) 1993 under Title II-B of the Job Training Partnership Act (JTPA).
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993 - TEIN No. 30-92 (Issue Date: May 10, 1993)Subject
Off the Shelf Educational Training Packages
PurposeTo provide States information on "off the shelf" educational training packages available for possible use in the 1993 summer academic enrichment program.
CanceledProgram Year:1992Fiscal Year:1993