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  • TEN No. 23-06 (Issue Date: February 27, 2007)

    Upcoming Evaluation of Rapid Response Services for Dislocated Workers


    To announce a new study to examine rapid response services, to request that state and local officials respond to a survey, and to thank state and local officials for their participation in the study.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEN No. 22-06 (Issue Date: February 14, 2007)

    Announcing the 2007 Recognition of Excellence Application Process


    To announce the opening of the application process for Recognition of Excellence 2007.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEN No. 21-06 (Issue Date: February 9, 2007)

    Announcement of EntrepreneurshipWeek USA and ETA-sponsored Webinar


    To announce to the public workforce investment system that the week of February 24-March 3, 2007, is being designated as EntrepreneurshipWeek USA and, as part of the weeklong event, ETA will host an entrepreneurship Webinar on Tuesday, February 27, 2007.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEN No. 20-06 (Issue Date: February 6, 2007)

    Release and Availability of Significant Measures of State Unemployment Insurance Tax Systems


    To announce the initial release and availability of the report: Significant Measures of State Unemployment Insurance Tax Systems (available for CY 2006 and CY 2005).

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEN No. 19-06 (Issue Date: January 19, 2007)

    Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 Unemployment Insurance Benefits Timeliness and Quality (BTQ) Nonmonetary Determination Evaluation Training Seminar


    To announce a planned BTQ Nonmonetary Determination Evaluation Training Seminar.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 12-06 (Issue Date: December 28, 2006)

    Revised Income Inclusions and Exclusions and Procedures for Determining Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Eligibility


    To provide administrative guidance on changes in the SCSEP income eligibility guidelines resulting from the enactment of Public Law 109-365.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEGL No. 11-06 (Issue Date: December 28, 2006)

    Exemption of SCSEP Wages from Income Eligibility Determinations for Federal Housing Programs and/or Food Stamps


    To provide Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) grantees with information about the statutory exemption of SCSEP wages for purposes of determining income eligibility for Federal housing programs and Food Stamps.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEN No. 18-06 (Issue Date: December 19, 2006)

    Employment & Training Administration (ETA) Grantee Financial and Administrative Forums


    To announce three ETA-sponsored national training sessions on federal financial and administrative requirements to be held in 2007.

    The primary goal of these sessions is to provide in-depth guidance and technical support on ETA financial and administrative requirements. Topics for the forums include financial reporting, monitoring, procurement, indirect costs, salary and bonus limitations, audit requirements, and a host of other financial and administrative management topics. Each forum will provide educational opportunities for state, local and discretionary grantees and enhance their understanding of the requirements of operating Federal grants. Fiscal and administrative staff working in ETA’s formula and discretionary grant programs should attend. Interested program staff are also invited to attend.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEN No. 17-06 (Issue Date: November 22, 2006)

    Vision for 21st Century Apprenticeship


    To ensure that 21st century apprenticeship is viewed as a critical post- secondary education and training option available through the One-Stop delivery system for building a skilled and competitive workforce to meet employer demand.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007
  • TEN No. 16-06 (Issue Date: November 2, 2006)

    Exclusion of the Dislocated Worker Earnings Measure from Program Year (PY) 2005 Incentive and Sanction Determinations


    To notify the States of a one year suspension of the Dislocated Worker earnings measure as a determining factor for PY 2005 incentive awards and sanctions. This notice merely suspends the use of this measure in determining incentive awards for PY 2005; it does not change the policy that will be used to determine incentives and sanctions in future Program Years.

    Program Year:2006
    Fiscal Year:2007