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  • TEN No. 07-10 (Issue Date: August 25, 2010)

    Directory of Federal Civilian and Military Agencies Requesting Quarterly Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) or Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) Detailed Benefit Payment Data


    To provide an updated directory of Federal civilian and military agencies that have requested detailed benefit payment data, which supports the Department of Labor’s quarterly unemployment compensation billings.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 06-10 (Issue Date: August 24, 2010)

    Release and Availability of ETA Occasional Paper 2010-08, Growing America Through Entrepreneurship: Final Evaluation of Project GATE


    To announce the release and availability of the ETA Occasional Paper 2010-08: Growing America Through Entrepreneurship: Final Evaluation of Project GATE

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 05-10 (Issue Date: August 17, 2010)

    Native American Employment and Training Council Call for Nominations


    To request Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Section 166 grantees to submit nominations for consideration by Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, for appointment to fill expiring terms of membership on the Native American Employment and Training Council (Council).

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 04-10 (Issue Date: August 13, 2010)

    75th Anniversary of Unemployment Insurance


    To announce upcoming activities and events to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the unemployment insurance (UI) program, and to announce the UI Hall of Fame and UI Innovation Awards.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 03-10 (Issue Date: August 9, 2010)

    The National Rapid Response Initiative


    To announce the National Rapid Response Initiative, a comprehensive, collaborative effort to promote consistent, high quality, timely and innovative responses to economic transition across the country. Through this Initiative, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) will collaborate with state and local Rapid Response practitioners and partners to assess the current system capacity, identify areas for improvement, and provide training and technical assistance to support the system in addressing the identified needs.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 02-10 (Issue Date: July 29, 2010)

    Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Advisory Checklists Update


    To provide checklists of all currently active ETA Advisories as well as checklists of all ETA Advisories rescinded/cancelled since the previously issued checklists.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 01-10 (Issue Date: July 7, 2010)

    Release and availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) quantitative evaluation report: Use of One-Stops by Social Security Disability Beneficiaries in Four States Implementing Disability Program Navigator (DPN) Initiatives


    To announce the release and availability of an ETA quantitative evaluation report: Use of One-Stops by Social Security Disability Beneficiaries in Four States Implementing Disability Program Navigator (DPN) Initiatives.

    Program Year:2010
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 50-09 (Issue Date: June 29, 2010)

    Encouraging Partnerships between the Workforce Investment System and Public Libraries to Meet Career and Employment Needs


    To announce a partnership between the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) encouraging collaborations between the workforce investment system and public libraries aimed at improving the quality and quantity of employment and training services to job seekers and unemployed individuals.

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 49-09 (Issue Date: June 15, 2010)

    Anticipated Timeline for 2010 YouthBuild Competition


    To provide information to the workforce investment system on the approximate schedule for the next YouthBuild competition.

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010
  • TEN No. 48-09 (Issue Date: June 14, 2010)

    Pilot and Implementation of a Regression-based Method for Performance Target Setting for the Public Workforce System


    The purpose of this Training and Employment Notice (TEN) is to (1) inform the public workforce system about the pilot project to test a regression-based method for performance target setting at the national, state, and local Workforce Investment Board (WIB) levels for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) title I programs and (2) ask states to submit requests to participate in the pilot and to participate in the refinement of the model to help inform the full implementation.

    Program Year:2009
    Fiscal Year:2010