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  • TEN No. 25-11 (Issue Date: February 7, 2012)

    Native American Employment and Training Council Call for Nominations


    To request Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Section 166 grantees to submit nominations for consideration by Secretary of Labor, Hilda Solis, for appointment to fill expiring terms of membership on the Native American Employment and Training Council (Council).

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 26-11 (Issue Date: February 7, 2012)

    Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Paper, Process Evaluation and Outcomes Analysis:  Twin Cities RISE! Performance-Based Training and Education Demonstration Project Final Report


    To announce the release and availability of ETA Occasional Paper, Process Evaluation and Outcomes Analysis:  Twin Cities RISE! Performance-Based Training and Education Demonstration Project Final Report.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 24-11 (Issue Date: January 24, 2012)

    Enhancing Workforce Leadership Project Resources


    To announce the availability of resources developed through the Enhancing Workforce Leadership technical assistance initiative.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEGL No. 11-11, Change 1 (Issue Date: January 20, 2012)

    Selective Service Registration Requirements for Employment and Training Administration Funded Programs


    This Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) Change 1 clarifies which programs or services must comply with the Selective Service registration requirements of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 § 189(h), codified at 20 CFR 667.250, and the Military Selective Service Act (50 U.S.C. App. 453), codified at 32 CFR Part 1605. This guidance clarifies that programs or services funded or authorized by Title I of WIA, not those funded or authorized solely by the Wagner-Peyser Act, must comply with the Selective Service registration requirements. This clarification replaces and supersedes prior guidance issued.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 23-11 (Issue Date: January 9, 2012)

    New Research Reports on Summer and Post-Summer Youth Employment Initiatives under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)


    To announce the release and availability of three new Employment and Training Administration (ETA) research reports related to summer and post-summer youth employment initiatives: (1) Using TANF Funds to Support Subsidized Youth Employment: The 2010 Summer Youth Employment Initiative; (2) Beyond a Summer Work Experience: The Recovery Act 2009 Post-Summer Youth Employment Initiative; and (3) Innovative Programs and Promising Practices: Indian and Native American Summer Youth Employment Initiatives and the 2009 Recovery Act.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 22-11 (Issue Date: January 6, 2012)

    Release and Availability of Employment Research In Brief:  An Annotated Bibliography of ETA-Sponsored Studies


    To announce the release and availability of Employment Research In Brief:  An Annotated Bibliography of ETA-Sponsored Studies.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEGL No. 12-11 (Issue Date: January 5, 2012)

    $500 Million Special Distribution under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act)


    To strongly encourage states to expend their allotment from the $500 million special distribution under the Recovery Act as quickly as feasible and prudent in accordance with the intent of the Recovery Act to preserve and create jobs and promote economic recovery.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 21-11 (Issue Date: January 3, 2012)

    Strategies to Meet One-Stop Career Centers' Business and Job-Seeker Customer Needs for Employment-Related Transportation Services


    1) To provide successful strategies to the public workforce system for connecting individuals with transportation to jobs and training, and
    2) to help businesses access a diverse workforce.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 20-11 (Issue Date: December 23, 2011)

    Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Paper, Evaluation of the Technology-Based Learning Grants Final Report


    To announce the release and availability of the ETA Occasional Paper, Evaluation of the Technology-Based Learning Grants Final Report, prepared by Social Policy Research (SPR) Associates.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012
  • TEN No. 19-11 (Issue Date: December 23, 2011)

    Release and Availability of Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Occasional Paper:  Implementation and Early Training Outcomes of the High Growth Job Training Initiative (HGJTI): Final Report


    To announce the release and availability of ETA Occasional Paper: Implementation and Early Training Outcomes of the High Growth Job Training Initiative (HGJTI): Final Report.

    Program Year:2011
    Fiscal Year:2012