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  • TEN No. 12-13 (Issue Date: November 19, 2013)

    Unemployment Insurance (UI) Online Work Search Record


    To announce the availability of a new online technology tool to support documentation of claimant work search activities which states may integrate directly into their current UI and workforce IT system infrastructure or that can serve as a model for states to do their own programming.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 11-13 (Issue Date: November 18, 2013)

    Native American Employment and Training Council Call for Nominations


    To request Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Section 166 grantees to submit nominations for appointment the Native American Employment and Training Council (NAETC) for consideration by Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 10-13 (Issue Date: November 14, 2013)

    Announcement of a New Short-Time Compensation Technical Assistance Web Site Resource Toolkit


    The U.S. Department of Labor (Department), Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is pleased to announce the availability of a new Short-Time Compensation (STC) technical assistance Web site. The Web site features resources from states that currently administer STC programs, and information from the Department regarding incentives for states to adopt new legislation and begin administering STC. The site is also a resource that states can use to improve existing STC programs. The Web site can be found at: https://stc.workforce3one.org.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 09-13 (Issue Date: October 18, 2013)

    Labor Exchange Reporting System (LERS) Tutorial and ET Handbook No. 406 Updates


    To announce the availability of a Web-based training on modifications to the LERS, and the release of the accompanying LERS reference guide.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 08-13, Change 1 (Issue Date: October 16, 2013)

    Impact of a Temporary Suspension of Federal Government Services on Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Funded Programs and Activities – Change No. 1


    To provide ETA funding recipients with additional information about permissible uses of funds made available through the Fiscal Year (FY) 2013 appropriations process. Since States have not yet received their full Program Year (PY) 2013 allotments due to the current Federal government shutdown, this guidance is intended to answer questions about the use of these funds (once received) for WIA activities provided on or after October 1, 2013.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 08-13 (Issue Date: September 30, 2013)

    Impact of a Temporary Suspension of Federal Government Services on Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Funded Programs and Activities


    To provide ETA funding recipients with information about how the temporary suspension of the Federal government will impact the execution of ETA-funded programs and services.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 07-13 (Issue Date: September 12, 2013)

    Announcement of the 2013 Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Research Papers Program


    To announce the availability of funds for the 2013 ETA Research Papers Program. This initiative will provide approximately $80,000 in funds, for up to 10 projects, to doctoral and post-doctoral students interested in writing scholarly, policy-relevant research papers on topics of interest to the public workforce investment system. These applications are due on November 11, 2013.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 06-13 (Issue Date: September 5, 2013)

    Release and Availability of the Significant Provisions of State Unemployment Insurance Laws Effective July 2013


    To announce the release and availability of the Significant Provisions of State Unemployment Insurance Laws Effective July 2013.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 05-13 (Issue Date: September 4, 2013)

    Reporting Training-Related Employment under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Programs


    This Training and Employment Notice (TEN) is intended to improve reporting on training related employment for WIA programs. The TEN begins with general overview of the current state of the training-related employment and occupation information in the Workforce Investment Act Standardized Record Data (WIASRD) for individuals that obtained employment after program exit. Second, this TEN presents the challenges associated with collecting this information. Lastly, the TEN will present some state practices on effective ways to collect and report on training-related employment for WIA exiters who received training and obtained employment.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013
  • TEN No. 04-13 (Issue Date: August 28, 2013)

    Program Year (PY) 2012/Fiscal Year 2013 Performance Reporting and Data Validation Timelines


    To specify the performance reporting requirements and associated timelines for submitting reports and/or individual records for the following programs/activities:

    • quarterly reports and data validation results for the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service;
    • quarterly and annual reports and data validation results for the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) title IB programs and National Emergency Grants;
    • the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program; and
    • the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP).
    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2013