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  • TEN No. 23-13 (Issue Date: March 11, 2014)

    Directory of Federal Civilian and Military Agencies Requesting Quarterly Unemployment Compensation for Federal Employees (UCFE) or Unemployment Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) Detailed Benefit Payment Data


    To provide an updated directory of Federal agencies that request detailed UCFE or UCX benefit payment data, which supports the U.S. Department of Labor’s (Department) quarterly unemployment compensation billings.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 22-13 (Issue Date: February 20, 2014)

    Unemployment Insurance Interstate Benefits and Federal Programs Training Conference


    To announce the 2014 Unemployment Insurance (UI) Interstate Benefits and Federal Programs (IBFP) Training Conference scheduled to be held April 29-30, 2014, in Madison, Wisconsin, and encourage state administrators to send their Interstate/Federal Program Coordinators and Interstate Connection (ICON) programmer(s) to the conference

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 21-13 (Issue Date: February 11, 2014)

    Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Advisory Checklists Update


    To provide checklists of all currently active ETA Advisories as well as checklists of all ETA Advisories rescinded/cancelled since the previously issued checklists.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 20-13 (Issue Date: February 10, 2014)

    Notification of publication and Webinar for the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Final Rule


    To inform the workforce community of the Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) consolidation and publication of the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Final Rule on December 26, 2013.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 19-13 (Issue Date: January 28, 2014)

    2014 National Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker State Monitor Advocate Training


    To inform State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) and State Monitor Advocates (SMAs) of the 2014 “National Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker State Monitor Advocate Training,” sponsored by the Employment and Training Administration (ETA). The training will be held in Washington, D.C. at the U.S. Department of Labor from May 20 to May 22, 2014.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 18-13 (Issue Date: January 2, 2014)

    21st Century Registered Apprenticeship: A Shared Vision for Increasing Opportunity, Innovation, and Competitiveness for American Workers and Employers


    To promote innovative recommendations by the Secretary of Labor’s Advisory Committee on Apprenticeship (ACA) on the use of Registered Apprenticeship as a critical and timely solution to the nation’s workforce, economic, and education challenges; and to encourage the state, regional, and local leaders and the public workforce system to utilize the vision report as a resource for supporting apprenticeship opportunities in their own communities.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 17-13 (Issue Date: December 18, 2013)

    Release and Availability of the Final Report Titled Assessment of the Workforce System’s Implementation of the Veterans’ Priority of Service Provision of the Jobs for Veterans Act of 2002


    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the release and availability of the final report titled Assessment of the Workforce System’s Implementation of the Veterans’ Priority of Service Provision of the Jobs for Veterans Act of 2002.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 16-13 (Issue Date: December 13, 2013)

    New Unemployment Insurance Interstate Connection (UI-ICON) Web Applications Related to UI Integrity


    To announce two new UI-ICON applications developed in response to: 1) provisions of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 for overpayment recoveries; and 2) provisions of the Trade Adjustment Assistance Extension Act of 2011 related to employer charges when employers fail to respond timely or adequately to requests for information.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 14-13 (Issue Date: December 9, 2013)

    Promoting the Use of the Federal Bonding Program as a Valuable Job Placement Tool When Assisting At-Risk Job Seekers


    To inform and encourage American Job Center staff and State Workforce Agencies to use the Federal Bonding Program as an employer incentive when providing job placement services to assist ex-offenders and other at-risk job seekers. States may use Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funds and their own resources to supplement Federal funding to provide these services.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 13-13 (Issue Date: November 29, 2013)

    Accounting for and Reporting Co-Enrollment under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and Wagner-Peyser Programs


    This Training and Employment Notice (TEN) serves as a reminder to states of the importance of ensuring that duplication of services is not occurring as a result of co-enrolling participants in the WIA and Wagner-Peyser programs.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014