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  • TEN No. 02-14 (Issue Date: July 8, 2014)

    Receiving Ticket to Work Payments as an Employment Network


    To replace the previously issued Training and Employment Notice (TEN) No. 14-12, "Receiving Ticket to Work Payments as an Employment Network," issued on December 4, 2012. This TEN announces that the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Employment Network (EN) Payment Agreement has been rescinded by the Social Security Administration (SSA), and provides information on a new process for public workforce entities to become ENs under SSA's Ticket to Work and Self Sufficiency (TTW) Program.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 01-14 (Issue Date: July 7, 2014)

    Strategies for Using Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Youth Formula Funds to Serve Court-Involved Youth and Youth At-Risk of Offending


    The WIA Youth Formula Program provides funds to state and local areas to serve low-income youth ages 14 to 21 who face barriers to employment. The purpose of this notice is two-fold: to provide examples of strategies that may prove useful for WIA programs that serve court-involved youth and youth at-risk of offending, and to offer points to keep in mind in designing and operating programs for this population.

    Program Year:2014
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 35-13 (Issue Date: June 27, 2014)

    Statutory Provisions for Relief from Interest Charges and Federal Unemployment Tax Act (FUTA) Credit Reductions Resulting from Title XII Advances


    To review statutory provisions providing relief from interest charges and FUTA credit reductions related to states obtaining advances from the Federal Unemployment Account (FUA) and to remind states of application deadlines for relief and the phase-in of additional requirements in 2014 for an interest-free advance.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEGL No. 26-13 (Issue Date: June 18, 2014)

    Impact of the U.S. Supreme Court's Decision in United States v. Windsor on Eligibility and Services Provided Under Workforce Grants Administered by the Employment and Training Administration


    To advise you of the implications of the Windsor decision for ETA workforce grant programs.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEGL No. 27-13 (Issue Date: June 18, 2014)

    Impact of the U.S. Supreme Court's Decision in United States v. Windsor on the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program


    To advise State Workforce Agencies or agencies designated by Governors as "Cooperating State Agencies" (CSAs) (also jointly referred to as "states") of the Windsor decision for the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program and the need for CSAs to revise their policies to conform to the change in federal policy on same-sex marriages as those changes affect the TAA program.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 34-13 (Issue Date: June 9, 2014)

    Publication of the Final Rule for the Federal-State Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program - Data Exchange Standardization as Required by Section 2104 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012


    To inform states regarding the publication of the final rule for the Data Exchange Standardization as required by Section 2104 of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 33-13 (Issue Date: June 4, 2014)

    Joint Letter on Informing Career Decisions from the U.S. Department of Labor, the U.S. Department of Education, and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services


    To share the interagency support for ensuring students and parents have relevant and timely information to make informed career decisions. This notice is meant to encourage continued coordination and collaboration across the public workforce, adult basic education, career and technical education, and human and social service systems to prepare students for education and career paths.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 32-13 (Issue Date: May 28, 2014)

    Supporting Successful Transition to Adulthood for Current and Former Youth in Foster Care Through Coordination with the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program


    To inform states and local areas about how Workforce Investment Act (WIA) formula-funded youth programs can assist youth who are currently or were formerly in foster care to complete post-secondary education and training by coordinating with state and local Independent Living coordinators to ensure youth have knowledge and access to the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Program (Chafee program) Education and Training Vouchers (ETVs), and State Tuition Waivers.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 31-13 (Issue Date: May 27, 2014)

    Release and Availability of the Final Report Titled Evaluation of the STEM Initiative


    The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) announces the release and availability of a report titled Evaluation of the STEM Initiative.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014
  • TEN No. 30-13 (Issue Date: May 16, 2014)

    Release and Availability of the Comparison of State Unemployment Insurance Laws 2014


    To announce the release and availability of the Comparison of State Unemployment Insurance Laws 2014.

    Program Year:2013
    Fiscal Year:2014