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  • TEN No. 19-15 (Issue Date: December 31, 2015)

    Revised Federal Schedule of Remuneration for Use in Determining Benefit Eligibility under the Unemployment
    Compensation for Ex-Servicemembers (UCX) Program


    To ensure states are aware of the revised Schedule of Remuneration for the UCX program that reflects the military pay increase effective January 1, 2016.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEN No. 18-15, Change 1 (Issue Date: December 16, 2015)

    Native American Employment and Training Council Call for Nominations


    To correct the first full sentence on page 2; to change the expiration date for the appointment of the 12 members to April 2, 2016; and to make a correction to the Region IV nominations to include Oklahoma (OK). Everything else remains the same.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEN No. 18-15 (Issue Date: December 7, 2015)

    Native American Employment and Training Council Call for Nominations


    To request nominations for consideration by the Secretary of Labor, Thomas E. Perez, for appointment to fill the expiring terms of membership on the Native American Employment and Training Council (Council) by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Section 166 grantees.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEN No. 17-15 (Issue Date: December 1, 2015)

    Release and Availability of the Technical Assistance Resource, Career Pathways Toolkit: A Guide for System Development


    To announce the availability of a technical assistance resource, the revised Career Pathways Toolkit: A Guide for System Development, for States, local areas, and tribal entities developing career pathway systems.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEN No. 16-15 (Issue Date: November 23, 2015)

    Performance Partnership Pilots (P3) for Disconnected Youth


    To announce the nine pilot sites that will receive a grant award under the Performance Partnership Pilot (P3) authority.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEN No. 15-15 (Issue Date: November 20, 2015)

    2016 Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment Period


    This notice is to inform the public workforce investment system about available health insurance coverage options during the Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment period beginning on November 1, 2015 and ending on January 31, 2016, and to offer potential opportunities to refer job seekers and workers to information about how and where to sign up for coverage.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEGL No. 08-15 (Issue Date: November 17, 2015)

    Second Title 1 WIOA Youth Program Transition Guidance


    To provide guidance and planning information to states, local workforce areas, and other recipients of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I youth formula funds on the activities associated with the implementation of WIOA.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEGL No. 29-14, Change 3 (Issue Date: November 10, 2015)

    Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Advanced Funding Levels Available October 2015 for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Programs.


    This guidance provides states with revised allotment levels for WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker FY 2016 funds, which became available to states in October 2015. This Change 3 to TEGL 29-14 revises the funding available to states on October 2015 to reflect the 0.2108 percent reduction enacted in the short-term Continuing Appropriations Resolution for FY 2016.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEGL No. 19-13, Change 2 (Issue Date: October 30, 2015)

    Expansion and Clarification of Homeless Definition as a Significant Barrier to Employment (SBE)


    To expand and clarify the definition of homeless as a SBE provided in Section 4 of TEGL 19-13, Change 1, dated February 11, 2015.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016
  • TEN No. 14-15 (Issue Date: October 19, 2015)

    The 2015 Short-Time Compensation (STC) Summit


    To announce the first STC Summit that will be held on November 17 and 18, 2015, in Washington, D.C. This two-day summit will begin promptly at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Day 1, and adjourn at 3:00 p.m. EST on Day 2.

    Program Year:2015
    Fiscal Year:2016