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  • TEGL No. 08-20 (Issue Date: December 7, 2020)

    Pay for Performance (PFP) Guidance for WIOA title I, subtitle B


    To provide guidance on PFP for state and local WIOA title I, subtitle B programs that implement PFP contract strategies.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2021
  • TEGL No. 07-20 (Issue Date: November 24, 2020)

    Effective Implementation of Priority of Service Provisions for Most in Need Individuals in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult Program


    To convey the Employment and Training Administration's (ETA's) vision of the statutorily required priority of service provisions in the WIOA Adult program. ETA's goal is to work with states to strengthen state and local policies and procedures that enhance workforce development services to recipients of public assistance, low-income individuals, and individuals who are basic skills deficient.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2021
  • TEN No. 07-20 (Issue Date: November 23, 2020)

    Resources for Serving Youth and Adults Involved with the Justice System


    To provide local workforce boards and American Job Centers (AJCs) with information aimed at improving services for individuals involved with the justice system.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2021
  • TEGL No. 05-20 (Issue Date: November 12, 2020)

    Health and Safety Practices for Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers and Agricultural Employers during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic


    In response to the spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), this guidance requests State Workforce Agencies (SWA), in coordination with the National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP) grantees, take certain actions and provide information regarding measures to support health and safety for migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFW) and agricultural employers.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2021
  • TEN No. 06-20 (Issue Date: November 5, 2020)

    Announcing the Availability of Resources to Support Industry-Recognized Apprenticeship Programs (IRAP) and Standards Recognition Entities (SRE)


    To inform stakeholders of resources available to support IRAPs and SREs as part of the Department of Labor's (DOL or the Department) implementation of the Apprenticeship Programs, Labor Standards for Registration, Amendment of Regulations Final Rule, which went into effect on May 11, 2020.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2021
  • TEGL No. 12-19, Change 1 (Issue Date: November 2, 2020)

    Change 1 to TEGL 12-19, National Dislocated Worker Grant Program Guidance


    To provide clarifying guidance to National Dislocated Worker Grant recipients regarding the review of incremental and supplemental funding requests, and in particular, how the grantee's past performance will be taken into account.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2021
  • TEGL No. 04-20 (Issue Date: October 29, 2020)

    Guidance on Integrating Services for Trade-Affected Workers under the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program (TAA Program) with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Dislocated Worker (DW) Program


    To promote the integration and coordination of services provided under the TAA Program in alignment with services provided under the WIOA DW program in support of a One Workforce System.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2021
  • TEGL No. 03-20 (Issue Date: September 24, 2020)

    Determining the Availability of Suitable Employment Under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program's Final Rule to Return Trade-Affected Workers to Employment as Quickly as Possible


    To provide states guidance on determining the availability of suitable employment prior to the approval of training under the TAA Program's Final Rule. This determination will assist trade-affected workers' reemployment as soon as possible following a separation.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2020
  • TEN No. 05-20 (Issue Date: September 24, 2020)

    National Directory of New Hires (NDNH), State Directory of New Hires (SDNH), and Other Improper Payment Prevention and Detection Resources, Tools, and Services Available to States


    To remind states of resources, tools, and services available through the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Integrity Center and the U.S. Department of Labor’s (Department) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to support effective use of NDNH and SDNH and assist in preventing and detecting UI improper payments, and announce the availability of a webcast on Recommended Operating Procedures (ROPs) for Cross-Matching Activities with National and State Directories of New Hires and state best practices in the use of the NDNH and the SDNH.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2020
  • TEN No. 03-20 (Issue Date: August 31, 2020)

    Unemployment Insurance (UI) Integrity Center's Integrity Data Hub (IDH) Fraud Alert System


    To provide information on the UI Integrity Center's IDH Fraud Alert System and to strongly encourage states to use it to identify and share information on emergent fraud schemes.

    Program Year:2020
    Fiscal Year:2020