Elisabeth Messenger serves as the Director for the Office of Labor-Management Standards (OLMS). The Director is responsible for overseeing OLMS and its teams of highly skilled individuals. The Director supervises the Deputy Director of OLMS, Andrew Auerbach.
The Office of the Deputy Director includes the Coordinator for the Labor-Management Partnership Program, Darnice Marsh. The Chief of the Division of Planning, Management and Technology, Yolonda Robinson, reports to the Deputy Director. In addition, reporting to the Deputy Director is Andrew Davis, the Director of the Office of Program Operations, who oversees Andrew C. Hasty, the Acting Chief of the Division of Interpretations and Regulations, James Haskins, the Chief of the Division of Compliance Assistance and Janice Meléndez, the Acting Chief of the Division of Enforcement.
Also reporting to the Deputy Director is Brian Pifer, the Director of the Office of Field Operations, who is responsible for overseeing the Regional Director for the Northeastern Region, Megan McDevitt; the Regional Director for the Southern Region, Tracy Shanker; the Regional Director for the Central Region, Megan Ireland; and the Regional Director for the Western Region, Emily Prosise.
Last Updated: 3-07-25