establishing a benefit year and authorizing payment of UCX benefits under its UI law.


(o)  Items 22-23.  Complete items 22-23 based on the information contained in items 6 through 15 of this form.  This information defines the service and wages assignable for the base and lag periods, as appropriate.  When weeks of employment, or other employment information is necessary to a monetary determination, the State agency should adapt items 22-23 to record the necessary information.


Posting of the period of service and wages in these items is optional, if this information is included on the State agency’s monetary determination.


(p)  Item 22.  Enter the claimant’s monthly and daily wage rate.  Calculate this information based on the claimant’s pay grade at the time of separation from the latest period of Federal military service.  This rate applies to the calculation of all military wages to be recorded in item 23 even if the claimant held other pay grades during the period of military service recorded.


(q)  Items 23a and 23b.  Enter the quarter ending dates, number of months and days of military service and total UCX wages during each such quarter applicable to the first claim.  A State may wish to preprint the month and month-ending date of the last month of each calendar quarter, omitting the year, in the space provided.


Calculate the claimant’s number of months and days of military service based on the information recorded in item 9 through 13 and total UCX wages based on the monthly and daily wage rate shown in item 22.  (Employment and wages recorded for the lag period should be maintained for future use in determining base period employment and wages available for a subsequent benefit year.)


(r)  Items 24a and 24b.  Items 24a and b are for official use only and should only be completed on the State agency copies of this form.  No entries will be made on the copy given to the claimant.


State agencies may use item 24a to record the claimant’s ethnic group by entering the appropriate code number shown below:


      Code 1-American Indian or Alaska Native

      Code 2-Asian

      Code 3-Black or African American

      Code 4-Hispanic or Latino

      Code 5-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

      Code 6-White



                                                                                                                      May 2003



to alter the form, the redesigned form must include the entries contained on ETA 841 except that:


          (1)  Items 21-22* may be omitted if such information is included on the UCX monetary determination form;


          (2)  If the State uses employment and wages information by weeks, hours, days, etc; in its determination of entitlement, the State agency may modify items 21-22* as necessary; and


          (3)  Items 25a and 25b may be added.  However, these items are for official use only and should only be completed on the State agency copies of this form.  No entries will be made on the copy given the claimant.*


State agencies may use item 25a to record the claimant’s ethnic group by entering the appropriate code number below:


      Code 1-American Indian or Alaska Native

      Code 2-Asian

      Code 3-Black or African American

      Code 4-Hispanic or Latino

      Code 5-Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

      Code 6-White


State agencies should leave item 25b blank.*


Any other proposed modification of this form should be submitted to the appropriate ETA Regional Office for review and approval.






                                                                                                              May 2003