1. Purpose.To inform state workforce agencies (SWA) of updated addresses for the Defense Finance and Accounting Service for use in verifying military pensions and annuitant pay information.
2. Reference. Chapter IV, ET Handbook No. 384.
3. Background. To ensure proper payments, states must sometimes verify retirement and social security annuitant payments. In the past, if a verification request was necessary, the SWA would send the request to different addresses for each branch of service; thus, retirement and annuitant pay verification was achieved through four separate Finance and Accounting Service (FAS) offices. Now all requests for verification of retirement and annuitant pay will be directed to one location. General retirement and annuitant pay information is available at: http://www.dfas.mil/money/retired. When a claimant cannot substantiate benefits (e.g., provide a copy of the notice of award or pension check), a request for verification of military retirement pension and annuitant pay must be made. This request should be directed to the appropriate address as shown in Attachment A.
4. Action Required. State Administrators should provide this information to appropriate staff.
5. Inquiries. Inquiries should be addressed to the appropriate regional office.
6. Attachment.
Contact Information for Retirement and Annuitant Pay
UIPL No. 1-79 | Ongoing |