To: Regional Office / DOL Regional Director for UI            12 March 2004

From: Steve Miksell / Security Programs / ITSC

Subject:  SSA Integrity Cross Match


A formal agreement to allow UI agencies to access Social Security data on-line via the Unemployment Insurance Query (UIQ) has been finalized.  The intent of this cross matching of information is the enhancement of the integrity of the Initial Claims process. One of the conditions that must be satisfied prior to access being granted is an independent review of the Initial Claims deployment where the SSA access will occur.  The Information Technology Support Center has developed an Independent Verification approach designed to satisfy this requirement.  If you are aware of states in your region that may require this service, please make them aware of this capability.  If there are further questions about this support capability please feel free to contact the ITSC, or direct inquiries to our attention.


I can be contacted at:


Steven Miksell, D.Sc., CISSP

9658 Baltimore Avenue #400

College Park, MD


Telephone (301) 982-1116



Additional Contact at same location:

Jane Powanda, Senior Security Specialist

Telephone (301) 513-0143




Regards, Steve Miksell