1. Purpose. To provide tables for Fiscal Years (FY) 2001 and 2002 showing estimated FUTA receipts attributable to employment in each state and the amounts of FUTA funds provided to each state for program administration and benefit payments. Cumulative totals for FY 1981-2002 are also included.
2. References. Unemployment Insurance Program Letter (UIPL) No. 24-98, UIPL No. 24-98, Change 2, and UIPL No. 24-98, Change 4.
3. Background. This UIPL provides data for FY 2001-02 and a cumulative table for FY 1981-2002. Data for earlier years can be found in UIPL No. 24-98 (FY 1981-93), UIPL No. 24-98, Change 2 (FY 1994-96), and UIPL No. 24-98, Change 4 (FY 1997-2000). When comparing FUTA receipts and amounts returned, it is important to note that postage costs (prior to 1997) and National Activities expenditures are not reflected in the state data. These total approximately $2.7 billion for the FY 1981-2002 period and reduce the apparent proportion of FUTA receipts returned to states.
4. Action Required. Please distribute to appropriate staff.
5. Inquiries. Direct inquiries to the appropriate Regional Office. Data may be obtained in computerized format by contacting Mike Miller of the National Office at 202-693-2930 or miller.michael@dol.gov. Data are also available on the Office of Workforce Security Web site (https://ows.doleta.gov) under "Budget."
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September 30, 2004 |