1. Purpose.To solicit state participation in a study to examine the relationship between administrative funding levels and state agencies' operational performance.
2. Background.
Under the President's Management Agenda, the Office of Management and Budget has launched a major management initiative to link budget decisions with performance. The UI program has been selected as a pilot for examining the link and determining how to use program performance information to guide budget decisions. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has executed a contract to conduct the research.
3. Pilot Description.The project will: 1) provide information in the short-term (2 years) on the impact of changes in funding on levels of state program performance, and 2) assess long-term how to build performance improvement incentives into the UI resource management system. The project will focus on measuring changes in performance resulting from increasing or decreasing resources in areas to be determined by participating states, e.g., non-monetary determination quality, erroneous payments. ETA is seeking six states to participate in the study. Potential participants must intend to either apply additional resources above the FY 2002 amounts to specific UI activities during FY 2003, or to devote fewer resources from the FY 2002 level. Participating states will be asked to specify which activities will either receive additional targeted resources or fewer resources, and which performance measures are expected to be impacted and to track and report the changes in resources during the course of the project.
4. Action Required. States that are interested in participating should notify their respective Regional Offices no later than January 21, 2003. They should also notify the ETA National Office, attn.: Jim Herbert (jherbert@doleta.gov).
5. Questions. Questions should be addressed to the respective Regional Offices.
None | April 30, 2004 |