ETA Recognition of Excellence

Frequently Asked Questions



Q.  Where can I find information on the ETA Recognition of Excellence?


A.  To learn more about the ETA Recognition of Excellence and application process, you should see Training and Employment Notice (TEN) 17-03.  The TEN can be accessed on the internet at:


Q.  Is there a separate application that must be completed?


A.  There is no prepared application that needs to be downloaded.  Rather, the application should be prepared by following the instructions outlined in TEN 17-03.


Q.  How many applications may an organization submit?


A.  An organization may submit only one application in one award category.  The only exception is that different programs, projects or initiatives under a state agency may submit an application and be counted separately.  For example, a state program (such as a youth program) may forward an application in only one category.  A separate state program (such as a dislocated worker program) may also apply in one category.  A local area can submit an application for only one program, project or initiative and only in one category.  


Q.  Do applications from local areas need to go through the state for submission?


A.  No.  Local applications do not have to go through the state in order to be submitted.  A state may work with a local program, project or initiative to assist or encourage that local area to apply.  However, local areas should submit their own applications on behalf of their programs, projects or initiatives.   


Q.  What if a state and a local area are both involved in a program, project or initiative in which they would like to submit an application.  Can both apply?


A.  No.  The intention of the eligibility definition is that we receive only one application on behalf of any program, project or initiative.  We expect to receive only one application on behalf of the partners, and not separate applications from the state and local areas.  One suggested approach is to work together and submit an application in partnership. 

Q.  I am applying for the ETA Recognition of Excellence.  Can my partnering agency submit an application for another category?

A.  A partner can submit an application for another program, project or initiative, given it meets other eligibility criteria.  However, the partner cannot submit an application for the same program, project or initiative.   

Q.  Aside from the signature page, does the 10 page limit include attachments, such as testimonials and newspaper articles?


A.  Attachments are not encouraged, but may be included and not count against the 10 page limit.  Attachments should be limited to things which can easily be copied.  Although attachments may be useful in providing an overview of your program, applications will be judged on the content of the application itself.  Therefore, you should be sure that the application itself addresses all of the elements required in TEN 17-03 and its attached criteria.


Q.  Which youth qualify as Out-of-School Youth for the category Serving Out-of-School Youth?


A.  The Out-of-School Youth category is intended for programs, projects or initiatives that serve youth that do not possess a high school diploma or GED and are not in a traditional public or private school.  And,


B.  Out-of-School Youth as defined by Workforce Investment Act.


Q.  As the applying agency, where should I include my organization’s contact information?


A.  You may include your contact information on the signature page or in a cover letter.  A cover letter will not count against the 10 page limit.  However, your application will be judged on the content of the application itself.  Therefore, you should be sure that the application itself addresses all of the elements required in TEN 17-03 and its attached criteria.


Q.  My program has many partners (one program had 20 and another 600).  Does the application contain signatures from all collaborating partners?


A.  One of the purposes of requesting the signatures of partner organizations involved in the collaboration is to ensure that true collaborations are taking place.  Applications must include signatures from collaborating partners in accordance with the instructions contained in the TEN.  The TEN states:


The signature page must consist of the applicant name, title or organization and the name, title and organization of each collaborating partner.  Collaborating partners must sign the application, or empower one entity to sign by stating such in writing and signing the written statement. 


In cases where you have numerous partners, you should include a list of all of the collaborating partners and their contact information.  You should also obtain a majority of your partners’ signatures or submit their statements of empowerment as described in the TEN.  In cases where you have an extremely large number of partners, such as 600, your application should at least contain a representative sample of the partners. 


As indicated, partners should either sign the application, or empower you to sign through a signed, written statement.  The signed, written statement of empowerment may be a fax (from the partner organization to yourself) and should be included when you mail in your application.  


Q.  The type on the applications is supposed to be double spaced.  If we have bullets, can they be single spaced?


            A.  Yes. 


Q.  Can I include an Appendix B?


            A.  No.  You may include attachments, but only Appendix A.