NO. 1-04




July 2, 2004     




                        ALL STATE WORKFORCE LIAISONS


FROM:                        EMILY STOVER DeROCCO    

                        Assistant Secretary


SUBJECT:            Summer Job Safety Campaign



1. Purpose.  The purpose of this TEN is twofold: (1) to announce the Summer Jobs Safety Web site; and (2) to increase awareness of the need for safety in programs serving youth.


2. Reference.  Summer Jobs Safety initiative developed by the Federal Network for Young Worker Safety and Health (FedNet).


3. Background.  The Department of Labor is one of seven federal agencies which form FedNet, a network of federal agencies whose goal is to help reduce work-related injuries and illness among teenage workers.  Other federal agencies included in the group are: the Departments of Commerce, Education, Health and Human Services, Interior, Transportation, and the Environmental Protection Agency.


This year, FedNet team members have joined together to develop a summer outreach effort to educate teens, their parents, counselors, and employers about how young workers can stay safe at work.  Millions of teens are preparing to enter the workforce this summer doing a variety of jobs that will teach them valuable skills.  This effort specifically targets this safety message for teens working in summer jobs performed outdoors.


4. Summer Jobs Safety Campaign.  FedNet team members have developed a Web-based product entitled, “Teen Summer Jobs: Safety Pays.”  The contents are easily accessible, available in English and Spanish, and offer a wealth of information about teen worker safety and health materials for outdoor occupations.  Topics covered include safe driving, lawn care, life guarding, construction, parks and recreation, and restaurants.  To access the Web site visit:  Specific topics identified with this initiative may be found at:










The Web site is designed to get teens, parents, and employers to think proactively about safety.  It also serves as a reminder for states and local workforce areas to review federal, state and local safety and job health standards when placing youth in work experience or internships that may expose them to potential injuries.  Workforce professionals should also consider child labor restrictions when placing youth in jobs to ensure that youth Workforce Investment Act participants are not assigned to job activities that violate safety standards or restrictions.  


5. Inquiries.  Questions on this TEN should be directed to your regional office.