1. Purpose. To inform the states about plans for transmitting to them Census 2000 updated statistics on persons in poverty or below the Lower Living Standard Income Level, for use in future annual WIA within state allocation formulas, beginning with PY2004 (notwithstanding any statutory changes made as part of the WIA reauthorization process).
2. Authorities and References.
a. Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (Public Law 105-220), August 7, 1998.
b. WIA Regulations, 20 CFR Part 667 Subpart A
3. Background. WIA Sections 128 and 133 note that the Governor of a state shall allocate youth and adult funds to local workforce investment areas using a formula that takes into account each area's share of the relative number of disadvantaged youth and adults in the state, among other factors. These same sections further note that the terms "disadvantaged youth" and "disadvantaged adult" mean a youth or adult who received an income, or is a member of a family that received a total family income, that, in relation to family size, does not exceed the higher of the poverty line, or 70% of the Lower Living Standard Income Level (LLSIL). In addition, WIA contains a "special rule" for excluding college students and members of the Armed Forces.
To assist Governors in discharging their responsibilities under WIA, the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has arranged for the U.S. Bureau of the Census to use the 2000 Census of Population to prepare special tabulations showing, for each of various age categories, and for all states (including the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico), counties, functioning minor civil divisions, places (including census designated places), and place/county parts:
- the number of persons who received an income, or is a member of a family that received a total family income, below the poverty rate for 1999, adjusted for family size;
- the number of persons who received an income, or is a member of a family that received a total family income, below 70% of the LLSIL for 1999, adjusted by family size and for regional, metropolitan, and non-metropolitan differences;
- the number of persons who satisfy either of the above two requirements; and
- the number of persons who satisfy these requirements, excluding college students not in the labor force or those who are on active duty in the armed forces.
4. Discussion.The Bureau of the Census is expected to provide these tabulations to ETA by the end of November 2003. Meanwhile, as part of its partnership with the states, ETA is interested in learning how each state would like to take receipt of its data when it becomes available. ETA intends to be as flexible and accommodating as possible, to best meet each state's needs. Options for states to consider include:
- In what medium each state would like to access the data (e.g., via the Internet, on a CD, via an e-mail transmission).
- In what file format each state would like to receive the data (e.g., a fixed-field file, a delimited file, as a spreadsheet, as a database management file, as a SAS analysis file, etc.).
- Whether each state would like to receive the raw data for each county, minor civil division, place, and place/county part, or would prefer to have the data aggregated to the level of the state's local workforce investment areas (or both). (Area designations can change, so states are strongly encouraged to obtain the raw data for use in future years.)
Social Policy Research Associates will be contacting the states by telephone or e-mail in the coming months to explore these issues with them.
5. Action.States are requested to designate an individual to serve as the principal point of contact on matters pertaining to transmittal of these data to the states. States should send contact information for this individual to Alberta Baker, as designated below. This contact information should be provided by Friday, April 11, 2003 and should include the individual's:
- Name and title,
- Mailing address,
- Telephone number, and
- e-mail address.
6. Inquiries. Information on points of contact should be directed to: Alberta Baker, Office of Policy Development, Evaluation and Research, Employment and Training Administration, U. S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room N-5637, Washington, D.C. 20210. Telephone: (202) 693-3642. E-mail: ABaker@DOLETA.gov. All other inquiries regarding allocations should be directed to Sherryl Bailey, Bailey.Sherryl@DOL.gov, Office of Financial and Administrative Services, (202) 693-2813.