1. PURPOSE. To transmit instructions for the electronic submission of the quarterly ETA 5148 Reporting Form, "Services to Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers." States will now submit the information on ETA 5148 Reporting Form via the Web-based "Labor Exchange Agricultural Reporting System (LEARS)."
2. REFERENCES. Wagner-Peyser Act as amended, Section 10(c) and Section 3(c)(2); Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Section 136; 20 CFR Part 653.109; Employment Service Program Letter (ESPL) 01-97.
3. BACKGROUND. Federal regulations at 20 CFR Part 653 require all State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) to provide Migrant and Seasonal Farmworkers (MSFWs) with services that are qualitatively equivalent and quantitatively proportionate to the services provided to non-MSFWs. The ETA 5148 Reporting Form is the current OMB-approved form that captures this information with respect to core services. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) now has the capacity to receive state reports via the Internet. A LEARS User Guide is provided as an attachment.
4. STATE REPORTING PROCESS.With the implementation of Web-based reporting, states will have sole control over data entry. The detailed instructions contained in the LEARS User Guide are to be utilized by states to access the reporting Web site and ETA 5148 Reporting Form. Passwords assigned to states will permit access to the appropriate screens for the quarterly ETA 5148 Reporting Form, and assigned Personal Identification Numbers (PINs) will enable report certification. There can only be one primary and one secondary contact per state. The primary contact person will have signatory authority for certifying the data and will be assigned a password and a PIN.
The secondary contact will be able to enter data using a password, but will not be given a PIN to certify the data. It is a matter of state discretion to share the required password and/or PIN with other staff to complete state reporting.
After the state certifies its report as complete and accurate by entry of the assigned PIN, the report will be available for ETA Regional Office review. Modifications to the data can only be made by the state. Regional Offices will be in communication with states in a continuing effort to maximize data integrity and to resolve concerns.
Please note that there are special instructions for the quarter ending June 30, 2003. For this report only, yearly cumulative data must be entered in the column normally reserved for quarterly data. This will allow ETA to capture cumulative Program Year (PY) 2002 data without having to request that each state go back and complete reports for quarters one, two and three.
To allow states to submit data out of sequence the LEARS edit check will be temporarily disabled.
States will not be able to submit data out of sequence after the period ending June 30, 2003 (PY 2002).
5. ACTION REQUIRED. States are required to submit the ETA 5148 Report data via the Web-based LEARS each quarter. Cumulative data for PY 2002 should be submitted for the quarter ending June 30, 2003. This is due no later than August 15, 2003, or 30 days from the issuance of this TEN, whichever is later. States will be responsible for providing local areas with reporting requirements and due dates to meet the state level requirement for submitting data no later than 45 days after the end of each reporting period. To designate primary and secondary contacts, states are requested to e-mail the following information to abina.olaoluwa@dol.gov no later than 10 days from the date of this issuance: the primary and secondary contact person's name, agency address, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. A data form is attached to this TEN for your convenience.
6. INQUIRIES. Questions concerning this TEGL should be directed to Erik Lang at lang.erik@dol.gov at 202-693-2916 or Dorrie Russell at russell.dorrie@dol.gov or (202) 693-2781.
7. Attachments.
The Labor Exchange Agricultural Reporting System (LEARS) Users Guide
Contact Information Form.