Employment and Training Administration
Washington, D. C. 20210


JETT*CON Conference




March 15, 2000




August 31, 2000

Deputy Assistant Secretary
SUBJECT : Announcing JETT*CON2000: Building America's Jobs Network, July 10 -12, Albuquerque, New Mexico


  1. Purpose. To encourage participation in JETTCON2000 (Joint Employment and Training Technology Conference).

  2. Background. Workforce programs and systems are experiencing a revolution in the way they deliver workforce development services. This revolution is being driven by the continued implementation of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and the building of America's Jobs Network plus the larger information revolution sweeping the nation. Using the experience gained from the three previous highly successful JETTCONs, JETTCON2000 will address this revolution and offer highly creative approaches to dealing with today's rapidly changing workplace. JETTCON2000 will be this year's only event to put workforce professionals in touch with the policy information, exemplary programs, systems, and solutions necessary to successfully create a technology-based, nationwide workforce system.

  3. Conference Overview. JETTCON2000 will offer the information and practical examples that federal, state and local officials need to construct their exciting new workforce systems. It will bring together the key leaders of the public workforce development system and the great innovators in the dynamic marketplace of leading-edge technology companies. Conference tracks, hot topics and exciting features include:

    1. Tracks.  The conference will be organized around three educational tracks:

      • Powerful Partnerships: Key to America's Jobs Network -- Learn about the issues of most concern to workforce practitioners as they proceed with the implementation of the Workforce Investment Act. Hear how local communities and states are continuing relationships with current partners and including new partners to strengthen the quality and range of services available.

      • Virtual Equality: Bridging the Digital Divide - Hear how, with the help of technology, we can insure universal access to the new and exciting workforce systems being developed.

      • Tools for Tomorrow:  Developing the 21st Century Workforce - Find out about program systems and technology models that will lead to providing more and higher quality service to more people.

    2. Hot Topics.  Workshops, pre-conference training, and plenary sessions will focus on today's "Hot Topics" including:

      • America's Jobs Network -- The latest information needed to continue to implement the Workforce Investment Act, including high quality boards, effective partnering agreements, individual training accounts, and performance measures

      • Youth Initiatives - The Youth Opportunity (YO!) Movement and an array of new and continuing youth programs and grants

      • The National Toll Free Help Line - One of several integrated tools in America's Jobs Network which will increase universal access for American workers and employers to information about public workforce services and workplace safety and security

      • Disability Initiatives - Ticket-to-Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act for Social Security disability recipients, new partnering arrangements with Vocational Rehabilitation, and how technology is being used as a critical tool to promote accessibility

      • Addressing the Skills Gap - Preparing youth, displaced workers, welfare recipients and others being left behind because of lack of skills to compete in today's booming economy

      • Rural Challenges - Ways in which rural areas can utilize new workforce initiatives and technology to overcome geographical isolation, lack of resources, and transportation difficulties

    3. Conference Features.  JETTCON2000 will bring back many of the features which have proven most popular in the past as well as introduce exciting new activities and opportunities. Key features of the conference include:

      • Outstanding Workshops -- A learning program of over 70 discrete workshop topics built around three tracks and led by experts from both the public and private sectors

      • Exhibits - Over 100 exhibits featuring the latest innovations in workforce technology

      • Award Winning Showcases -- Honoring state and community examples of successful and innovative workforce development programs that utilize technology to provide world-class service

      • Plenary Sessions -- Featuring visionary leaders who will address the latest issues and challenges facing the workforce world

      • Model Community One-Stop Office - A 4,000 square foot display -- developed by Goodwill Industries to reflect the concepts of WIA and its new partnerships -- offering conference participants a unique opportunity to experience the workforce services available through a community-based organization

      • The Hyperlink CafĂ© -- Back by popular demand! A special informal area in which to relax, enjoy good company, have a great time, hyperlink to the latest and newest workforce software, and access the Internet

      • Roundtables - An opportunity for attendees with similar interests to discuss cutting edge issues with leaders in the field

      • Training -- Both in-depth pre-conference training, scheduled for July 8 and 9, and free Internet training during the conference to help attendees stay current

      • The Albuquerque Experience - A Festival at the Fairgrounds as well as three optional excursions: a visit to Acoma "Sky City" Pueblo atop a 300 foot mesa, a Sandia Peak Tram and Albuquerque City Tour, and a visit to Santa Fe via the Turquoise Trail

      • Sandia National Laboratories Tour - A visit to one of the most advanced and innovative high technology sites in the country

  4. Conference Partners. In the true spirit of WIA, JETTCON2000 will bring together key Federal and non-profit partners. These partners are playing an active role in the planning of the conference and the design and delivery of the workshops and are encouraging their state and local constituencies to take part in the conference as well. Our partners are listed on the conference website (http://www.jettcon.org).

  5. Attendance. This conference is designed for leaders, policy makers, planners and practitioners involved in administering workforce systems. Those involved in implementing new WIA systems and One-Stop Career Centers, developing labor market information delivery systems, conducting system-building activities, administering welfare-to-work activities, operating youth programs, ensuring universal access through the use of assistive technologies, and other critical workforce service delivery functions should plan to attend. Workforce development professionals from all of the Federal, state and local WIA partners are strongly encouraged to participate. JETTCON2000 is expecting over 2,500 participants, so register early.

  6. Website. More detailed information on JETTCON2000 can be found on the conference website: www.jettcon.org Registration information is now available on line. As further information on workshops and conference offerings becomes available, the website will be updated.

  7. Action. Please share this information with appropriate staff, including all your WIA partners. Encourage all to participate in JETTCON2000 by:

    1. Attending the conference.  As mentioned above, the registration form is now on line on the JETTCON2000 website (www.jettcon.org). Participants may register on line, by phone, by mail or by fax. Early registration fees are in effect until May 26. Supplies of the printed registration brochure will be sent to you under separate cover.

    2. Exhibiting at the conference.  Those with technology-based tools and techniques designed to launch new workforce systems and enhance the productivity of existing systems are invited to exhibit at JETTCON2000. A brochure with exhibit information is attached. Any exhibitor leads for conference staff to follow up on should be referred to Jean O'Donoghue, JETTCON2000 Chairperson by e-mail (jodonoghue@doleta.gov.)

    3. Becoming a workshop presenter. You, your colleagues, and your partners are encouraged to share your experiences and insights with your peers by becoming a workshop presenter. Attached is a "Call for Presentations" with information on the topics and types of workshops sought. Note that the deadline for submission is April l4, 2000.

    4. Nominating Potential Showcase Award Recipients.  These Showcase Awards are designed to recognize and honor successful, innovative workforce development programs that utilize technology to provide world-class quality workforce development services and to share these successes broadly with the employment and training community. Consider nominating your program or one of your peers' programs for one of these prestigious awards. Nomination information is attached. The deadline for nominations is April 14, 2000.

  8. Inquiries. Questions about JETTCON2000 should be directed to your Regional Office or to the JETTCON2000 resource staff at 202-219-8854, extension 150. Inquiries can also be made through the JETTCON2000 website (www.jettcon.org).

  9. Attachments. 

NOTE: Attachments not available to DMS