1. Purpose. To provide states and grantees
of the Employment and Training Administration (ETA) policy and procedures
relating to program termination, transition of participants and closeout
pursuant to the rescission of the Welfare-to-Work (WtW) State formula program
funded in Fiscal Year 1999 under Section 403(a)(5)(H)(i)(II) of the Social
Security Act. A list of the applicable grants (30) and their expiration dates prior
to the rescission is provided in Attachment B.
2. References. Section 105 of the Department of
Labor (DOL) 2004 Appropriation, Public Law 108-199, Consolidated Appropriations
Act, 2004 Division E, Title I, 118 Stat. 3 (January 23, 2004); Subpart D of 29
CFR, Part 97, the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and
Cooperative Agreements to State and Local Governments (July 1, 2003); Subpart D
of 29 CFR, Part 95, Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher
Education, Hospitals, and other Non-Profit Organizations, and with Commercial
Organizations, Foreign Governments, Organizations under the Jurisdiction of
Foreign Governments, and International Organizations (July 1, 2003); and the
Welfare-to-Work Financial Management Technical Assistance Guide (October 1,
1999) which is available at http://wtw.doleta.gov/techassist/tag/.
3. Background. Pursuant to the above referenced
legislation, the remaining WtW State formula grants are rescinded,
effective January 23,
2004, the date of
enactment. The language of the legislation is as follows:
SEC. 105. Of the funds appropriated for fiscal year 1999
under section 403(a)(5)(H)(i)(II) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C.
603(a)(5)(H)(i)(II)) that were allotted as welfare to work formula grants to
the States under section 403(a)(5)(A) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 603(a)(5)(A)),
there is hereby rescinded any funds that are unexpended by the States as of the
date of enactment of this section, except for such funds as the Secretary of
Labor determines are necessary for
States to carry out administrative activities relating to
the close out of such grants. Notwithstanding section 403(a)(5) of the Social
Security Act (42 U.S.C. 603(a)(5)), the Secretary of Labor may take such
actions as the Secretary determines are appropriate to facilitate the orderly
and equitable close out.
The conference report contained the
following clarifications regarding Congressional intent:
The conference agreement modifies a provision proposed by
the Senate that rescinds funds appropriated for fiscal year 1999 for the
Welfare-to-Work program. The conference agreement rescinds any amounts
allotted to the States from funds appropriated for fiscal year 1999 for the
Welfare-to-Work program that are unexpended as of the date of enactment of the
section, except for certain close out costs. Unexpended funds would consist of
funds allotted to the States that are unobligated by the States, or obligated
by the States, but not expended. Only funds to pay for goods and services that
have already been provided as of the date of enactment are generally considered
expended. Grantees would be required to terminate any agreements providing for
the provision of goods and services beginning after the date of enactment
unless alternative funding sources are identified.
Since this rescission would accelerate the termination of
the Welfare-to-Work grants to the states that are all due to expire during
fiscal year 2004, the provision does not rescind funds that the Secretary of
Labor determines are necessary for the states to carry out administrative
activities relating to closeout. Such cost could include such items as
penalties for early termination of leases, and personnel costs relating to the
final reporting and closeout of grant activities. Authority is also provided
in this provision for the Secretary of Labor to take necessary actions to
facilitate the orderly and equitable closeout of the state grants,
notwithstanding the programmatic requirements of the Welfare-to-Work program.
The conferees expect the Employment and Training Administration to assist states
in establishing a transition process to help the remaining Welfare-to-Work
participants easily and seamlessly assimilate into Workforce Investment Act
programs that allow them to continue to receive assistance.
on January 23, 2004, the ETA Regional Offices were
provided with an alert from the national office and were asked to verbally
inform all state grantees of the congressional rescission and to provide some
preliminary guidance while this TEGL was being prepared. This was followed by
a letter from the Grant Officer which transmitted a unilateral grant
modification to all applicable state grantees to terminate all active FY 1999 WtW State grants, effective January 23, 2004.
4. Transition
Policy. The language of the rescission
and legislative conference report clearly indicates the intent of Congress for states
and local communities to ease the impact of this early termination of the FY
1999 WtW program by establishing a transition process that helps any remaining
active WtW participants easily and seamlessly assimilate into Workforce
Investment Act (WIA) programs or other appropriate One-Stop services.
enactment of the WtW program represented a major investment in the lives of the
most challenged individuals moving from public assistance to employment, and
many have accessed a wide range of pre- and post-employment services and been
placed in unsubsidized jobs. Although a significant proportion of WtW
participants have become employed through the program, the rescission leaves a
substantial number who have not yet completed their employability plans or
otherwise need additional workforce development services. Congressional intent
is that significant gaps in service should be avoided, and where possible, the
investment of services already made to active WtW participants should be
completed using other resources.
legislation creating the WtW program purposefully designated the same service
delivery system that currently operates the local WIA program as the
presumptive deliverer of WtW Formula Grant services. This common infrastructure
allows for easy movement from WtW to WIA and among federal program partners in
the One-Stop system. In addition, current WIA legislative requirements have
made two public commitments to this target population: 1) a stated goal for WIA
Title I is to reduce welfare dependency; and 2) WIA provides in section 134 (d)(4)(E)
and regulations at 20 CFR 663.600 that in the event funds allocated to a local
area for adult employment and training activities are limited, priority for
intensive and training services funded under Title I Adult funds must be given
to recipients of public assistance and other low-income individuals. A formal
transition to WIA and/or other appropriate program services is the natural
progression both necessary and expected for active WtW participants.
recognizes, however, that the rescission, with its simultaneous termination of
all WtW services, may pose significant transition challenges for the WIA Adult
program. Regarding program performance, ETA is prepared to consider state
requests to renegotiate WIA performance standards in order to accommodate the
unanticipated, sudden influx of WtW participants into WIA. Please note that
since WIA performance is judged relative to a negotiated level, states with
appropriate levels will not be penalized under any possible incentive grant
process. Regarding funding source, states and local areas are also reminded
that there is flexibility in WIA funding that should be considered. The WIA
statute at 133(b)(4) and regulations at 20 CFR 667.140 give local boards the
option, with approval from the governor, to transfer up to 30 percent of the Dislocated
Worker program year allocation to the Adult program for the provision of
employment and training activities. In addition, WIA Title I at 134(a) and regulations
at 20 CFR 667.130 allow the governor to reserve up to 15 percent of the WIA
Title I allocation for statewide workforce investment activities. Such
activities include services to adults and dislocated workers thus making the
majority of active WtW participants eligible for services funded with this
5. Requests
for Administrative Relief. To the extent that certain programmatic limitations
such as the 70/30 expenditure ratio, the matching requirement, or
administrative cost limitations are impacted by the termination of WtW grant
activities, states may request administrative relief directly from the Grant
Officer. Such requests - which can seek relief for a number of issues in a
single submittal -must clearly identify: (1) each provision or requirement for
which relief is sought, (2) the outcome that would have been required absent
rescission, (3) the outcome which will result as a consequence of rescission,
and (4) a description of demonstrated good faith efforts made to meet each
original requirement for which relief is being sought. States are encouraged
to describe how the rescission impacts performance and administrative outcomes,
including actual expenditure ratio accomplished, the amount of actual match
provided, the amount of actual administrative costs incurred compared with what
would have happened had they been able to continue the grant program to the end
of its scheduled period of performance.
6. Closeout Policy and Procedures
a. Period for Closeout Activities. In accordance with 29 CFR
97.50(b), states are required to submit all final reports, including a
financial status report, for their entire state system no later than 90 days
after the termination of all WtW grants impacted by the rescission of the
program, which occurred on January 23, 2004. Closeout should be completed
within 90 days of receipt of the closeout package from ETA.
b. Submittal of Closeout Packages. ETA initiated the closeout
process with a notification letter that provided the necessary forms for the
completion of the closeout requirements, to states via Federal Express on
February 18, 2004. States must submit closeout packages to the Department of
Labor/Employment and Training Administration (DOL/ETA) at the following
Grant Officer,
Office of Grants and Contract Management
Attn: Closeout Unit
200 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room N-4716
Washington, D.C. 20210
c. Responsibilities. The closeout of WtW will involve state
efforts to close their awards to subrecipients in accordance with the
instructions provided in this TEGL. Subrecipients will be required to close
grants and contracts which they have awarded to lower tiered subrecipients and
vendors. The responsibility for the expeditious closeout of the WtW program
rests with each state. Costs incurred for closeout activities after the 90 days
are not allowable and must be charged against non-Federal, state or local
resources, unless an extension is requested and approved under item 7 below.
d. Regulations.
The regulations at 29 CFR, Part 97 and 29 CFR, Part 95 are applicable to
governmental and non-governmental grantees and subrecipients, respectively.
e. Non-Formula Awards. Discretionary and competitive grants
awarded under the WtW program will continue for the period specified in the
award document and are not subject to the closeout process described in
Attachment A. However, it should be noted that the availability of the
appropriation for these grants will lapse on September 30, 2004.
7. Extension of Deadline for Submission of Closeout Documents. The Grant Officer may
extend the deadline for submission of the closeout documents for a period of 90
days, not to exceed a total of 180 days from receipt of the closeout
notification letter. Decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis. Requests
must provide documented evidence of the necessity for the extension and must be
submitted no later than 60 days after receipt of the closeout package. Additional
extensions will be considered only under extreme or extraordinary
circumstances. Requests for extension of the closeout period should be
submitted to the address listed in item 6.b. with a copy of the request and
supporting documentation sent to the appropriate Regional Office.
Note: WtW
funds will no longer be available after September 30, 2004.
8. Action.
It is the responsibility of the states to immediately provide the information
transmitted by this TEGL to all staff who have responsibility for closeout
activities and to all subrecipients.
Inquiries. ETA will establish a question and answer (Q&A) Web site on
which we will post selected technical Q&As about transition and closeout issues
and procedures. Questions may be submitted to wtw.rescission@dol.gov or to your
Regional Office.
10. Attachments.
Attachment A: Instructions for Closeout of WtW Formula-Funded
Attachment B: List of WtW Formula Grants