Attachment II


Grant Procedures


A.  Grant Agreement.  The Wagner-Peyser Annual Funding Agreement encompasses the Wagner-Peyser Base Grant and the One-Stop/Workforce Information Grant for PY 2004 / FY 2005.  The Annual Funding Agreement includes Assurances and Certifications that apply to all grants covered by the Agreement.  Therefore, Assurances and Certifications need not be submitted with the One-Stop/Workforce Information grant application.


B.  Grant Application.  Grant applications are to be developed in accordance with Attachments I, II and III.  The grant application must include a transmittal letter signed by both the designated SWA administrator and the designated representative of the State WIB, or the Governor, a signed Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424), Budget (SF-424A, Section D only) and plan narrative.  States are requested to submit two signed copies of the complete grant package and a .pdf copy of the final negotiated plan narrative to the appropriate ETA regional office.


C.  Plan Approval.  Regional Administrators are responsible for final approval of the plan and will issue an approval letter, with a copy of the approved grant package, to the state and a copy of the approval letter and approved grant package to the grant officer.  A Notice of Obligation will be issued by the grant officer after the receipt of the regional office’s approval package.


D.  Plan Modifications.  The grantee and ETA regional office may jointly modify planned activities and associated expenditures, within the state allocation, during the plan period of performance.  The regional office has authority to recommend funding adjustments to the grant officer when overall grant expenditures are substantially below quarterly budgeted forecasts in the approved SF- 424A.  In the event the Secretary of Labor is required to carry out other responsibilities not anticipated in the plan, grantees may be requested to modify the plan to carry out the additional responsibilities.